Chapter 19 - Sebastian

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Jealousy. Not a good thing. I was filled with jealousy all evening. Tonight, is the winter ball. The event I was so excited about. The event I was looking forward to. I was so happy when Mac agreed to come with me. Happier when I learned she never really agreed to go with anyone before. I felt some extra love for her when she suggested Liv should be with us because this is our last year. My little sister should get to experience her first high school dance when I am still in high school. I thought Mac is so thoughtful, so considerate. I knew they were friends, but I forgot about that. Because I was busy thinking Mac is perfect.

Now, I am angry. It started when Mac and her parents came to my house. First of all, Mac didn't even introduce me to them. And they already know Liv. I saw her mom hugging Liv. I didn't like it. I felt like I should be introduced after all I am her date to this dance. Also, we are dating. Yeah, yeah, I know we are fake dating but all the same. That made me think do her parents even know that we are dating. That I exist and not as Liv's older brother but as her boyfriend. She never introduced me, and they didn't ask either. But I did notice the look on her mom's face. Also, the smirk she gave Liv, which made me look at Liv. I didn't understand what but then when I looked at Mac and saw her staring at Liv, yeah that made my blood boil.

The seating arrangement in the car was another thing. I know Mac always seats with Liv in the back but today of all days I thought she would seat in the passenger seat. After all it would make sense. I was angry but I pouted hoping that would help her persuade. But she was busy staring at my sister not even glancing at me. Why? What did Liv have tonight that I didn't? I mean granted Liv was looking beautiful, I think mom said that. Then I was busy looking at Sophia. She is looking extremely beautiful and sexy as well. Never in my life did I think I would say Sophia looks sexy. But she does tonight. That made me look at her in a new light almost. This was before I noticed Mac and Liv's behavior. Any other day I would have ignored it just like I have done. But not tonight.

So, when the guy Nate, I think his name is, situated his camera for the official winter ball photo. I took Mac's hand instantly and pulled her in for a picture. I placed my hands on her waist and felt her tense up. But I ignored it. I mean I have never really touched her like this, so I thought she was tense just because this is new. The guy smiled at us and clicked the picture. Then I got the idea to convince him to click another picture just for us, not for the yearbook. He was not agreeing but then when I told him I could help him get the girl he likes, he instantly agreed. I think he is a sophomore or maybe a freshman, and me, a senior telling him that I'll help him...yeah, he agreed to take another picture. I guess it's his lucky night. I knew what I wanted the picture to be like. So, I pulled Mac towards me and leaned in to kiss her. I wasn't going to fully kiss her like this, but a small peck because come on we are dating, aren't we? What I didn't expect was for Mac to push me and walk away. Mac just walked away. Although Nate clicked a really cute picture of us just before Mac stormed off.

I was pissed then. I needed to find her. At the same time, I needed a drink. So, I went towards the punch bowl instead. I saw David put something on the bowl. He looked at me and smiled. I took the flask from him, took a swig and instead of returning I poured the rest in the bowl as well. There were other guys as well, David's friends who sit with us. They all bumped their fists with me.

"Nice one." "Always knew you were cool, but you were just hiding." Two of them said at the same time. David just congratulated me. Then all of us drank at least two cups of the punch before resuming to go back to our dates. I generally do not drink but I have drunk before. The punch was strong but tasty. I took two cups, one for me and another for Mac. Maybe some alcohol will help her tell me why she pushed me when I wanted to kiss her? Or why she won't stop looking at my sister? What is going on between them?

By New Year's Eve.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt