Chapter 1 - Sebastian.

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Fake Dating. Such an interesting concept, isn't it? There are tons of movies about it. I have seen many of them courtesy of my little sister, Olivia. Olivia is just two years younger than me and that makes our sibling bond tight. You would think a 17-year-old guy would not want to hang out with his sister. But I do. I love spending time with my sister. We are each other's best friend. Sure, she has her group of friends at school with whom she hangs out during school especially at lunch. But at home we spend time with each other. Mostly because our parents are always busy.

"Sebastian let's watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before again." Here we go again. Lately Liv is obsessed with this movie and we have seen this and its sequel multiple times. Almost every weekend she starts this movie nowadays. I have no idea why or what is it that attracts her to this movie or should I say these types of movies. Movies that have fake dating and then the main characters end up falling in love. Sure, I love the concept. And since I have seen at least ten such movies I feel like I should say I enjoy watching it.

"Sure" I reply to Liv. It's not like she will not watch it if I say no. No, she would just watch some other movie now and then we would end up watching it before going to bed.

Liv just gave me the most dashing smile she could ever possibly give me. Great! Who can resist such a look on their sister's face? If watching this movie, a hundred times makes her smile like that, then who am I to take away her happiness? Some could say she is manipulating me. Well, some of my friends tell me that always. That I would do just about anything to see a smile on my sister's face. I would but wouldn't everyone? I slumped bedside her on the couch and place the popcorn bowl in the middle. I know I would be the one to eat the most of it. Liv just gets extremely invested in this movie even though we both could probably recite the dialogues in our sleep by now. She still sees it as if we are watching it for the first time. You could say I like watching her smile, squeal and even almost cry at some scenes more than I watch the movie.

As the movie continues and the characters start fake dating. I think if only I could do that in real life. My love life is pretty much non-existent. I have no idea why. Actually honestly, scratch that I have an idea. It's because I have been crushing on this one girl for over a year now. My friends say that I have turned into a girl and cannot ask her out. Maybe I have but every time I try to ask her, I chicken out. We have never had any conversation if it is not regarding the classes we share. Yes, plural. We share classes. Now that I think about it maybe, spending so much time with my sister made me turn into girl. So, shouldn't I be able to understand girls better now? Yet, I am pretty sure I don't. Definitely not my crush or my little sister either most of the time.

You see my problem is when I have a crush, I cannot even think of anyone else. So therefore, a beautiful girl might pass me by, and I would just see because come on I am a 17-yeal old guy after all. But would not talk or pursue her. My friend David tried to hook me up with girls so many times. He even made me go on double dates with him and his girlfriend at the time. I enjoyed the company. I won't say that I didn't. But...that 'but' always followed. I just couldn't ask any of those girls out if they were not my crush.

I had a crush when I was in middle school. My sister helped me talk to her and we dated, I think. It was a little weird. Then again dating in middle school is probably always weird. Then freshman year high school I saw this really gorgeous girl, Alicia and I instantly fell in love with her. We never dated on account of the fact she was a senior and she found my crush adorable. But I did get to spend time with her. She was nice to me other than the fact she also viewed me as a puppy following her for her attention. I found out about that later on. That crushed me. But I somehow picked myself up and Sophomore year I went on many dates. I didn't have a crush, so it was easy for me.

According to David sophomore year me is what I am supposed to be like not this romantic guy chasing after a girl for more than a year and still couldn't even talk to her. I am hopeless, aren't I? I told my sister that she laughed and said some of her friends dates more guys than the number of dates I have been on. That's sad isn't it? Anyways, so my junior year this beautiful girl transferred to our school, Mackenzie Wilson. She is the definition of perfection. She is tall, not too skinny yet slim figured. She plays basketball and does track. She has long dark brown hair and sharp green eyes. Those eyes always take my breath away. And most importantly she is a nice person. She helps people most of the time that includes me with their classwork. Granted I only ask for her help because come on that is the only time, I can talk to her without stammering or saying something inappropriate. Okay, I tend to lose my ability to form coherent sentences in her presence. Except when it involves schoolwork. Because in my brain that is a known subject. Teacher talked about it and we have to do the homework. Now if she wants to discuss a book, we are assigned to read in English yeah, I am back to speaking garbage.

Thanksgiving this year my cousins made fun of me. Since I am a senior, and I am not dating they thought it was the time to tease me regarding it. Yes, they never said anything is wrong about it but teased me endlessly though. I am just glad that they don't know about my crush or that I am a bit of a romantic. Foreign concept nowadays I know. Even my sister says that. Anyways so my crush who I am pretty sure I love, which is why I can't speak properly whenever I am talking to her. She has no idea about this, at least I hope so. So, this Thanksgiving I was the one receiving taunts. It's always someone every year. They just called me nerd, dork and even lazy not including the 'colorful' adjectives they threw at me preceding these names. Although not sure how lazy equates to this but that made me rethink things in my life. Especially dating wise. Sometimes I think even my sister teases me although she would never say she is teasing but I know.

Now my plan is to fake date to get over this funk. Not fake date just anybody but Mackenzie Wilson. Only thing I have no idea about is, how to approach this said endeavor to her. I mean she could ask why her then what will I say? Therefore, I am spending rest of my Thanksgiving weekend coming up with a plan. And of curse asking Liv's input on it. Technically then watching this movie tonight should be like researching in my books. Huh! Maybe I should pay more attention to it and take notes. I look at the screen and focus only to notice Liv is side eyeing me. She just smirks a little and does not say anything. That's good because I haven't yet told her about my said plan. Am I an idiot for doing this? In the movies the guy always gets the girl so shouldn't I too? I can hope right? Now onto my plan to get that girl's attention. I can feel it this would be fun, and I also suddenly realize I would have to speak, talk to her directly. Talk to Mackenzie Wilson. Oh, shit I did not think this plan through!

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