Chapter 20 - Olivia

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Nervousness and excitement. The feelings flooded through me. I have been like this since the night of the winter ball. Well, it's not like it has been few days since then, more like few hours. But it already feels like years. Mostly, because of the fact that I am missing Kenzie. I never ever thought I would have someone to miss who is not Seb or Sophia. Although I am pretty sure they had something of their own last night. Just like we had. I still cannot believe how wonderful and magical the winter ball turned out to be for me. Even though it started a little crappy with me watching Kenzie with Seb, and Seb behaving like a weird guy. Finally, slow dancing with Kenzie and touching her waist. A thing Seb did a lot. I have no idea why, but that part was what made me the angriest. The ending was perfect though. Not how the night ended but how the dance when Kenzie and I danced in that empty room.

Wow. I can still feel the tingles I felt when Kenzie put her hands on my neck and the time we kissed. It was just magical and now I cannot stop smiling. This is good and bad though. Because this means I like her, and Kenzie is not just a little crush for me anymore. I have developed feelings for her. Real feelings. Oh, this is bad. Seb has no idea and this will crush him. Then again Kenzie was never going to fall in love with him ever. And they started doing this weird thing only because she wanted her friends to back off and Seb wanted to have his chance. So, shouldn't it be like yeah Seb had his chance and it didn't work out the way he wanted. And that's all. Who am I kidding my brother is not like that? He literally had a crush on the same girl for over a year yet did nothing. This will be bad.

Well, that is for another day. Because today is Christmas tree shopping day. This town has a weird ritual. Everyone here shops for tress very late. Mostly because school here closes late. Hence, everything waits till school's over. There is a schedule of sort. The elementary school has their holidays first, their parents go for Christmas shopping next day, then middle school closes and the ritual follows. Finally, high school closes and here we are. Only for the past few years either mom or dad bought the tree and never even asked us. One morning we woke up and there the tree was. I always enjoy Christmas and tried to decorate and fill everyone up with the Christmas spirit. Only this year mom and dad are home and all four of us are going tree shopping. It is very strange for me. Therefore, I have resorted to pinching myself every 5 minutes to remind myself it is indeed real.

Seb is yet to be seen this morning. He sort of went inside his room last night not smiling and has yet to come out. But he has to in like 10 minutes as otherwise we would be late. That reminds me about the funny and weird thing that happened last night after the dance. Okay, I have heard of people going for food before the dance. Do people go for food after the dance? I mean is that even normal. Especially if you have danced constantly. Also, fun fact I had no idea my brother was drunk. A fact Sophia noticed when she took the keys from my brother and drove. Although I am pretty sure Seb thinks he drove. He was wasted as soon as we climbed into the car. I am going to guess either he drank a lot of the punch or he drank something else too. Wait a minute he gave me and Kenzie a flask to drink from. That had alcohol. No wonder he still hasn't made an appearance today. He is asleep and will definitely wake up with a massive hangover. It wouldn't be a good day for Seb.

"Come on are you ready honey?" Mom asked looking at me. I just gawked at her. "Honey?" Mom stopped on her way to wherever she was heading to. "Wait why are you shocked is it because I called you honey?"

"Yes sort of, its nothing just feels strange hearing it from you." I shook my head to try not to show any anger. I tried to channel my Christmas spirit to calm me down.

Mom put her hand on my shoulder. "Listen honey." She widened her eyes making it as big as mine while uttering the word this time. That made me chuckle. "Now that we are chuckling. Listen I am sorry honey I have been so busy lately. It's just when I saw you growing up you looked so mature; way more mature than Sebastian ever was. Don't tell him I said so."

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