Chapter 12 - Olivia

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"Hey Olivia. Morning. Can you talk now?"

"Yes...just a second" I excuse myself from my parents, Seb as well as Mackenzie, who is eyeing my every move.

"Yes Charlie. Tell me something why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"Because Olivia. Today is a Saturday. One week of our friendship. An uncommon friendship. So, we have to celebrate." I rolled my eyes but smiled too at the same time hearing this. It is a little uncommon friendship.

"And how do you plan we do that? Considering we live far away from each other in different towns?" I asked knowing she already has a plan. One week of being friends with her and I know for a fact that Charlie has a plan already in motion just from her voice.

"Dude it's not that far. It's what an hour by car. It's not far at all. Plus, I want details of your first sleepover at your crush's house."

" did you know?" I told her about the sleepover but not about my crush on Mackenzie. How did Charlie know?

"I figured it out. I am a genius, right?"

"Shut up!"

"Yeah, yeah. I will leave you to your blushing for now. We have matters to discuss." I rolled my eyes with my heated cheeks. Yep, I am blushing. But if Charlie was able to figure it out would my brother be able to as well? I gave my head a shake and focused on the conversation.

"I am guessing you're talking about the celebration you just mentioned. So, what you want me to go to Cape Creek?"

"No, I was thinking we could go to you. What say? Great idea, right?"

"Umm...Charlie sure it is a great idea, but are you sure you can? I mean don't you guys have exams too next week or so?"

"Yeah so?"

"Aren't you forgetting a thing called studying?"

"No, I very well remember. We all do. That's why we studied yesterday and the day before. Dude I have been studying for almost three days non-stop now. I have planned it way ahead." Charlie laughs.

"Sounds like it. So, when do you think you'll be here?"

"Oh, what say before lunch? Then we have lunch together and enjoy a few hours then go back to boring studying."

"Nice plan." I smiled. Never thought I would be friends with someone like Charlie.

"See you in a few then." Charlie hung up.

I continued to smile as I rejoined everyone in the living room again.

"Who was that Liv?" Seb asked.

I rolled my eyes. I haven't told him yet and I don't plan to now either. "No one Seb."

"So, you were talking to 'no one' for the past 15 minutes in your room?" Seb asked yet again. I ignored him and went to Mackenzie.

"Hey Mackenzie."

"Hey yourself little Everett. So, you are not going to answer Bash, is that it?"

"Yes. You caught on fast unlike my brother." I told Mackenzie while half turning to face my brother who is standing behind us now. Mackenzie laughed at that.

"So, you wanna study together this evening?"

"Sure Kenzie. That sounds perfect."

"Cool. See you then little Everett." Mackenzie then turned to Seb and my parents, "bye Dr. Everett and Mr. Everett. Bash." The way she said Seb's name was weird. I just watched her retreating figure out the door. It's as if I can follow her with my eyes through the walls that I kept looking. I heard her car start and leave then I finally turned to the table to see there is food there. As in actual breakfast. Wow.

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