Chapter 16 - Olivia

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Interesting and weird. Or weirdly interesting. That is how I am feeling. I have been feeling like this for a few days now. Since last Friday, also known as yesterday, to be precise. The kiss Mackenzie and I shared at the bleachers was perfect. We then continued to giggle about it and neither of us wanted to go home. I was just about to think what to do when Charlie texted, she is on her way here with Mark. I texted her back that I am still at school and she said she told me that she woudl pick me up there instead. I asked Mackenzie if she wanted to go to Cape Creek with me and she instantly agreed.

Friday night with Charlie and the rest of my Cape Creek friends was good. Charlie teased me about Kenzie a lot. Kenzie noticed at first, she was stunned, and I am pretty sure she was a little angry, but Charlie somehow cooled her down. We had so much fun. First of all, we were at Cape Creek, so it was their town. Hence, they knew where to hangout and everything. We went to the lake and walked around on the park for a bit before they took us to their hangout. Their spot. It is pretty cool spot actually. It has a lovely view and a very chill atmosphere. We both loved it. We drank a little. Then ate a lot of food. Playing some game which was a mixture of truth and dare and spin the bottle. It is a little blurry for me now. But it was fun. That much I remember. I laughed a lot and so did Kenzie. We both laughed a lot. Mark didn't drink because he knew he would be dropping us off. I mean we couldn't really stay over. But finally, we did. We all stayed at the hangout. They all called their parents and informed them about the sleepover, and we did too. Turns out they do this pretty often, so their parents were not really surprised.

Next morning was a bit bad. Only because we were all hungover. Yeah, Mark did end up drinking after learning he was not driving us home. We woke up early thanks to sunlight. That didn't help. Although Danny helped with food and water and even meds. Kenzie has practice later today. That's bad, tiresome as well. Mark agreed to drive us back. We all bid bye and dispersed. They went to their home and we went to Mark's car. The ride back was weird. Mostly because it was barely morning and we were hungover. It was still enjoyable. And we promised to do it again sometime before school reopens.

As I entered home without making much noise. I was successful till I reached my room and saw a lump on my bed. I was scared and I screamed. That woke Sophia up. It did not make me feel good though learning it is my best friend sleeping on my bed and I had no idea she was even at my house. But Sophia didn't talk, she just patted the spot beside her on the bed and instantly I fell asleep. I did feel bad about Kenzie when I woke up again around 1 pm. Because she had to go practice at what 10 am I think. And there I was sleeping. I texted her after seeing her text about going to practice. Also, asking me to meet her after practice. I was super happy. So happy in fact I totally forgot about Sophia staying at my house, or the fact that Seb loves Kenzie. I was reminded of Sophia's presence when I went downstairs though.

"There she is. Had a good sleep princess?" Dad asked in his cool voice. Mom kissed my head. That woke me up. My parents at home. On a Saturday. At 1 pm. I was sure I was dreaming then.

"There is my best friend who wordlessly disappeared yesterday." Sophia said. That made me look at her and realize she was indeed at my house. "Don't worry I will be here for the weekend. Cleared it with my parents." That shocked me a little. I was glad to be able to spend time with my best friend. Only thing I forgot was the plans I made with Kenzie for later on today.

"Hey, Morning and Afternoon Liv." Seb said as he came from behind me. I didn't know where he was. "Hey, any idea why Mac is not answering my texts or calls?"

I looked at Seb for almost a minute before opening my mouth to reply, "yeah, she is at practice now. She has practice today till like 4." Seb just nodded and Soph just looked at me weirdly. Okay. Weird.

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