Chapter 9 - Sebastian.

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How could my fate be the same for both Fridays? No one will believe me if I tell them this. Even I don't believe it. Last Friday I asked Mac on a date, she said she had plans with my sister, who told me she had no idea about it, but then the two of them went their merry way. Leaving me all confused. Then the weekend happened. And I kissed Mac. Granted it was just a kiss on the cheek. But it is still progress in my book none the less. Considering I have been crushing on the same girl for over a year and didn't do anything about it, I would say it's a huge progress.

Saturday I was feeling so guilty because I left Liv all alone in a new town. Okay not that new. We know Cape Creek. We used to go there often when we were younger especially in winter. But still it's been a few years now and this time it was not with our parents. And they never left us alone in a different place. Now, that's a different case. It feels like both Mom and Dad got extra work all of a sudden and just submerged themselves in work. Why? That's the million-dollar question in my opinion. Is it to avoid us? Or was work suddenly so important? They used to work a lot when we were young but still, they made time to see us in our house. Now, I am not even sure we live in the same house.

Because of my guilt, I decided to make Liv happy. I know she noticed that I left her for more than two hours or so. But she didn't say a single thing about it once. That's what made me feel worse if that is even possible. The guilt has not yet subsided. But it is now battling with the happiness that swells in my heart. Ever since I kissed Mac's cheeks, I feel like we connected more. We hold hands easily, without my palms sweating. Most times she doesn't even drop it when people are not around. I feel like we are getting somewhere. She might not have strong feelings for me yet, but she definitely feels something.

Then there is Liv. I have no idea what is going on with her. But she is not acting like herself. If I didn't know my sister, I would say maybe she likes someone. But Liv is not like that. I am not saying she cannot have a crush it's just that she never had one yet. So, I guess or rather hope if and when she has a crush, she would tell me. This weird behavior of Liv started last Saturday. At first during the movie. Then later on when I told her about our time on the boat. At the time I thought she must be sad that I left her and here I am talking about it as if I enjoyed leaving her. I remember the sting I felt when she didn't jump in joy with me when I told her I kissed Mac on her cheek. I saw her expression, it seemed like she was faking her smile for me. Why was she not happy?

Then this whole week she seemed off. Her friend Sophia is avoiding me like the plague. And Liv is distracted most of the time. Mac and her rarely talk now. It's all so weird. And all this in just about two weeks of being in a fake relationship. I do not even want to think what would have happened had this relationship been real. Maybe this is a way to prepare me for when Mac and I date for real. But if Liv behaves likes this then...I don't know. Would I have to choose between my sister and Mac?

That has been the question in my mind for the past two days. Every time we pick up Mac now, she seats in the passenger side and Liv in the back seat. She usually doesn't even greet Mac. She just looks out the window or continues to text whoever she is texting crazily nowadays. That's another thing that's new with Liv. She is always on her phone. Texting or even calling this person. Will not tell me who and will never let me listen in on her conversation. Whoever this person is whenever they call, she just goes to her room to talk. Weird, right?

Mac and I hold hand sometime while I drive. It almost feels like we are dating for real except for her correcting me every so often. It makes me angry sometimes like she does not want to date me actually. But then I think this really is fake and if it turns into something real, I have to have patience for it. I mean I waited for more than a year I can certainly wait a little longer. Yesterday morning when we reached school, Liv just hopped off the car as soon as I stopped. She is doing it since Monday. I tried to scold her about it on Monday, she just rolled her eyes and said, "so what you would leave me all alone in a new town to be with your girlfriend again? Oh yeah you already did that." Her passive aggressive comments have grown towards me. I knew I hurt her that day, but I didn't know this much. Maybe there are things that I don't know about my sister.

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