Chapter 10 - Olivia

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Sebastian's outburst put me in a bad mood. The fight we had yesterday evening was bad. It was also probably the first time we fought like this. We rarely fight nowadays and even when we did as kids it was always silly. But this one was bad. I felt so bad over calling him 'pathetic'. I know how much he hates that word. I kept on thinking I shouldn't have. But the more I thought about it, the guiltier I felt. Ultimately, I went to sleep thinking today we can fix it.

First thing I realized waking up was that Seb was awake. He usually wakes me up as soon as he is up. But I just felt he might not. I dressed myself and after taking a pop tart I decided to walk to school. Honestly, I felt so guilty, I just didn't think I could face him yet. Or maybe it was mutual as I told myself while I walked. Soon, Mackenzie's car stopped, and she picked me up. She said she was going to school early to get some books she needs from the library. After we got to school, we realized we were about forty minutes early. So, Mackenzie went to the library checked out her book and we went to a nearby café to have breakfast. When we returned to school this time it was normal time as the parking lot was getting busier, more people around.

Seb spotted us as soon as we got out of Mackenzie's car. I really thought he would be here already considering he woke up so early. Then I thought maybe he waited for me to come down. Then I felt guilty but the look of surprise on his face seeing me made think he did not wait for me. And the way he charged towards us also made all the guilt I have been feeling since yesterday disappear. This Seb is not someone I know. He is angry, seething, controlling, demanding. Not at all like the sweet, caring or loving brother he is. He made me afraid of him, the way he talked to me and Mackenzie. I am sure Mackenzie is glad to be far away from him. I am glad he has no idea where we will be. I never thought I would be afraid of my brother but yeah, he scared me. Does love make people change this much?

The punch was the finality. I knew he would be suspended when he hit David, his best friend. I mean that was so unnecessary. He punched David because he winked at us? That does not make sense. Just like the thing I heard he did to Sophia. Yes, he scared my best friend too. Sophia was avoiding him before and now she would definitely not go near him. I doubt she would come near me too. And I don't blame her. I am afraid to back home tonight after the arcade. Mom and Dad won't be there. So, if Seb goes mad again and tries to hit me this time? Who would help me? A sentiment I never thought I would ever have to think regarding my brother. People change apparently.

"Come on Olivia don't think about Bash anymore. Let's have fun. The reason we are here." Mackenzie pulled me towards motorbike racing game.

"Fine." I relented. She gave me a bright smile, a smile that makes you smile back inadvertently.

"1,2, we go. I will beat you this time."

"Let's see Kenzie." She blushed yet again. Why does she blush when I call her Kenzie?

"Oh, it's on little Everett."

We both started and you know what happened yeah, we both crashed. Second round is better. We are at least on the road long enough to call it a race. But third time is when we actually raced. We got the hang of it. And I must say I am enjoying myself. Not thinking of school, exams or Seb. Even though I am with Mackenzie, who I realized I have a crush on just yesterday. Yet, I would think that would distract me or something. But nothing of sorts happening. Only thing I feel is this sort of connection, that I have with her. I have no idea how or why I feel it. But I just do. After few more rounds of the race we had to leave to let a kid play on it. He just gave us a sweet smile as we both got up. That made me think little kids come here.

Then I went to play basketball, and Mackenzie went to play games to win tickets. I mean the basketball also gives ticket, but I think she is not in the mood to play this version of basketball. I guess playing it for our school team she wants a break from it. I remember last time also she didn't play this one. But she should as this would definitely get her tickets then. Lots of it. Then I wandered around playing whatever games I saw. At one-point Mackenzie and I we both played Pac-Man. Then she pulled me towards the grabbing toy game. Although I do not think it is a game. It is more of just a thing. She tried two times today and third time she succeeded. I didn't think she would. But she did. She got a pair of teddies. She gave me one and kept one for herself.

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