Chapter 17 - Sebastian

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Beautiful, colorful, joyous, happy, wonderful, proud. These words keep repeating in my head from the moment I asked Mackenzie to the winter ball. I was just ecstatic that she agreed. Then I realized why wouldn't she agree? After all we are dating in the eyes of our peers albeit she knows we are fake dating, a reality she keeps reminding me of, every chance she gets. Why though? Does she not like me? Will she not fall in love with me? I mean I thought she was already falling for me. Am I that oblivious?

Obliviousness is a feeling I started to feel since last Friday when both Liv and Mac ditched me without warning. Although I did enjoy my weekend with a rather shocking person. Shocking because I never thought I would have so much fun with Sophia. I have never really spent time with her alone without Liv like we did last weekend. And I regret not spending time with her before. She was so much fun to be around. We watched movies, she teased me endlessly, I tried to tease her too but somehow that backfired on me. Mom and Dad were home as well and that itself is very rare. Although Liv was home for few hours on Saturday it didn't really feel like she was there. Maybe because I was busy at first thinking about why Mac was not answering my texts and then I was enjoying Sophia's company too much to care. It did sting a little when Mac said she couldn't hang out with me and left with my sister for their yet another adventure. But Sophia helped me without even realizing. We didn't do much except bake a cake, had a little food fight which is now captured in pictures thanks to dad. Mom asked us to clean then, that turned into yet another flour battle. Ending with watching more movies and rating them. Yeah, that was a thing we did. We also played 'Guess the Movie Name' game among the four of us. Mom and dad as a pair and Sophia and me as the other. Strange. It felt strange not because of us being a team but because we were so much in sync with each other. We were able to understand what movie the other the person was saying so fast. Sunday was fun too although in the evening Liv finally joined us and realized she missed so much. I had to study a bit for my lab exam on Monday. Both Liv and Soph helped me study faster. I would say it was the best weekend ever. Weirdly Liv agrees with me and yet I have no idea what she did.

Monday after my lab exam which went great by the way, I asked Mac to the Winter Ball. That was the highlight of my Monday. David treated me for it by punching my arm and gracing me with his yet another story. But I was far too happy to rebuke or say anything bad to David about it. He knew that and I am sure that's why he told me that story. But something happened afterwards. Late in the evening. Dad was home and Mom was at work. Liv was in her room doing what I have no idea about, while I was lounging around in the living room surfing TV channels. That's when Mac came to my house. She said she had a proposal for me. An idea. I was a little reluctant because somehow, I felt it would dampen my mood. And I was proved right. Yet somehow, the way she presented it elevated my mood at the same time. Mac's idea was that Liv should be at the winter ball since this is our last year. It's really thoughtful of her. We all knew the weird rule our school has which doesn't let related people go to the ball together. Not just siblings even cousins, which is just so weird in my opinion. Anyways so, Mac suggested she could help Liv enter the ball with one of her friends. Then I thought Liv would want her best friend there, so we need to invite Sophia too. Yeah, after my awesome weekend with Sophia I wanted her there. So, we came up with a plan. Since the only time the students check who is going with who at the ball is at the entrance, I could take Sophia with me and Mac can take Liv with her. Well, I do not want some random guy to take my little sister. Mac was not fond of the idea to take Liv with her though. She persisted that one of her friends should do it. That way Liv can have someone to dance with later on. At least that was what I thought why Mac insisted on one of her friends taking Liv. When I didn't approve her idea, she politely bid me bye.

Tuesday changed the scenario for Mac, because of the way I asked Mac to the winter ball. Plus, it is Mackenzie Wilson who didn't go to the ball all these years because she never accepted anyone's proposal therefore, everyone was talking about us. And Mac had a friendly game that day to which Liv and Sophia accompanied me. Seeing me in the crowd made our peers chant our names. For what I have no idea. However, it helped. Because after the game and after the ridiculous chanting Mac agreed to take Liv with her through the gate of the Winter Ball. Just imagine how easy it would be had our classmates been normal. I mean it's not like I am taking my sister as my date, it's just so she can enjoy the winter ball with her brother, who is a senior. But no, we cannot do that. At least Mac is helping and it's not just some random guy. When we informed Liv and Sophia about this idea, the shock on their faces was really funny to witness. Finally, the shock ended with the realization that they need to buy a dress for the ball.

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