Chapter 6 - Olivia

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  Weird. Odd. These two words perfectly describe how I am feeling. All day I kept on feeling weird. Actually, it started yesterday when I met Mackenzie and she stared at me with her forest green eyes. And I lost myself there. Yeah, that was the start. I think. I am not sure anymore. Why would I feel weird about that? I have no idea. Then the flirting and the sitting positions on the couch when we watched the movie. I mean I am sure she kept on brushing her fingers against my leg all throughout the movie. Or maybe I am mistaken. I have to be.

Today morning marked another oddness. I mean first Seb wanted to talk to Sophia instead of me. And they just literally walked away from us. Not just a few feet no, they just vanished from sight. My friends kept on giving me weird looks. I didn't say anything because I have no idea what to say even. Then after I finished sorting stuff out of my locker Mackenzie dropped by my locker. She just casually strolled towards me and smiled. I just looked at her and raised my brow. But she continued her pose not even bothering with the fact that it was odd for her to suddenly come to talk to me in the school hallway.

"Hey Olivia." Her casual way of addressing me made my friends snicker around me.

"Hey." I replied. Everyone knows she is a senior. So, what is she doing suddenly talking to me? If they think I know well, they are mistaken. I guessed she came to talk to me about my brother. I mean that makes sense, right?

"So, I had fun yesterday. Want to hangout anytime soon?"

"Umm...I guess we can. Aren't you going on a date with my brother tonight?"

"Yeah pssttt..." She waved it off. Okay weird. Right?

"I mean you are. I know he told me."

"Okay. But I mean when can we hangout? The two of us? I mean I thought we could be friends."

"Sure. But technically I don't even know you and neither do you know me."

"Yeah. So, what you're saying is we should get to know each other?"

"Not exactly. I mean we could pretend to be friends but for it to be real we have to know at least basics about each other."

"I get it. So that's why I am saying. Let's hangout and get to know each other. I don't know why you think this is odd. This would only help." Mackenzie said the last part in a very innocent fashion and then gave me a pleading look. I know I have to give in.

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah okay." Mackenzie then squealed a little. That made her look cute. That's for sure. "By the way I know you followed us back in your car, but it would be better for you guys if you guys take one car to the date today."

"Yeah. Wow. You really are mature."

"Yeah, Seb tells me too." I smiled at her.

" I am guessing it would be better if we all come to school together as well right from tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Maybe, I am not sure. That would be you guys' decision."

"You are right, but you and Sebastian come to school, together right?"

"Right." I said slowly.

"Then it's decided I am going to be joining you guys from tomorrow. I will tell Sebastian it was your idea. He would agree to it then. Awesome. It would be fun. Cannot wait to hang out with you more Olivia." Mackenzie then gave me shy smile of hers. Again, what's with the shyness? I was puzzled, then she waved bye to me and walked away. I went to my class.

Classes were usual. They were the only thing same today. Even Sophia was behaving weirdly. She was moping a little. That is so not like her. I wanted to cheer her up but that just didn't happen. No matter what I try to say she just gives me a tight smile and looks away. So, after I while I left her alone. Even during lunch, she just played with her food. Moving them around with her fork. She didn't even reply to any of us, she was so lost in her thoughts.

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