Chapter 21 - Sebastian

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Weird. Odd. Hungover. That's how I have been feeling since waking up this morning. I shouldn't have drunk that much last night. I remember being jealous of my sister because Mac was staring at her. And I wanted Mac's eyes on me all the time. I made her dance and turn around, but nothing worked. Then I lost Mac and Liv later on. Well not lost they just vanished from the dance. Hence, my drinking increased. But I danced with Sophia, that sobered me up. Or so I thought. Boy was I wrong. Today I felt it. I don't remember much except puking and mom helping me. Most probably it was then that I spilled my guts to her. Thus, sealing my fate after holidays are over.

Mom does not like to ground us or punish us in holidays especially during Christmas. Because according to her it takes away the joy of Christmas which Liv instills on everyone. Although this year might be different. Because I did try to drive after drinking like crazy apparently. I do not remember that though. That sounds bad. I shouldn't have done that. And I also gave my little sister alcohol. Good going big brother. No wonder Mom is pissed at me. But I am also sure Liv is pissed too. I just don't know why. I mean she stole my girl from me last night so shouldn't I be the one mad at her? Guess I will never know why she is mad.

How I know Liv is mad? Well for one she insisted on shouting all day while talking to me. She knew I was hungover so that was perfect. Then she purposely tried to produce more sound and blinding lights. Well, she didn't produce the light she just opened the curtains from my windows. Thus, flooding my room with sunlight. At morning when she woke me. Then again at afternoon after we came back. She also didn't let me nap all day long. For some reason I saw Mom enjoying Liv torturing me. Oh, that reminds me we met the Wilsons while shopping for Christmas tree. And guess who talked to Mac the most then? Not me. Because I was sitting, resting my eyes. I did notice Mac and Liv talking rather playfully.

After coming back, we ate I am not sure if that was late lunch or early dinner, as in super early dinner. Because it was late in the afternoon. Also, that was the first entry of food in me for today which stayed in me. That is an accomplishment for me today. Considering how much I drank last night thanks to the spiked punch. Liv then started decorating. I thought we were going to do that later on today. Most likely in the evening. At that time, I didn't know Liv's plans. I just thought she wanted to get a head start. She insisted on me helping her, knowing I was still not myself fully. Liv decorated the living room, her room and my room. Mom told Liv not to decorate their room. So, she started with the roof and outside. I just lagged behind her. She was almost done with the living room before we went tree shopping. So, things were going fast. Too fast even by Liv's speed. It seemed to me only thing that would need to be decorated later on would be the tree. And I was correct.

Around 7 Liv was done. She rushed to her room. I thought she went to get something. Or forgot something. But no, she came back down dressed within 15 minutes, I think. Ready to go out. That made me wonder where was she going? Also, she didn't ask me to drive, then who is she going with? She checked herself once more when we heard the door. I opened it only to come face to face with Mac. She is dressed too and is looking rather sexy.

"Hey Bash. Is Olive ready?" Mac gave me her signature smile. One that melts my insides. I nodded as I continued to stare at her. "Hey Dr. Everett." Mac casually greeted mom, who I had no idea was standing behind me. "So, Bash are you gonna tell Olive I am here or...?" Mac raised her eyebrows. But I was still shocked, and my eyes were still glued to her face. She didn't seem bothered by my staring though. I hope she was not.

"I'll tell her." Mom replied. "Sebastian honey let Mackenzie in." Mom told me as I am still at the door blocking Mac's entrance.

"That's okay Dr. Everett. I can wait here for Olive." Mac replied and smiled sweetly at me. For some reason even though I am aware of what is happening around me, I didn't move an inch. Nor did I take my eyes off Mac.

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