Chapter 26 - Olivia

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Chaos. That's how I have been feeling. I should be all happy and cheery because it is Christmas today after all. Instead, I am not. I just cannot be it seems like. Every time I am getting happy and I am trying to relax something else is happening. Last night after Seb behaved weirdly and Kenzie and I went to my room and watched Home Alone. I was happy. Relaxed. Till Seb came in and reminded me of our tradition. Oh yeah, let's not also forget how Seb behaved. That's another thing.

The adults especially mom and dad are really angry with Seb. Me. I am just worried. Seb is not like this. I have no idea what happened. True, Kenzie is spending time with me. But the way Seb is behaving he is also scaring Kenzie away. The stunt he pulled last night barging into my room, pushing me off my bed. Then apparently, he stayed out my room for hours till dad sent him to bed. Doing what? Why was he out there in the first place? Then we relaxed seeing Seb being himself this morning. And just like that he pulled the stunt of trying to forcefully kiss Kenzie. It freaked Kenzie out. I was...I don't know. I didn't think much about it except that it was under a mistletoe.

Seb believes in tradition. Truth be told so do I. But we can adjust them sometimes. Like this year we don't have our loud cousins with us. Hence, we are opening gifts in the evening. Also, we are spending our Christmas with the Wilsons. That's new. But we are enjoying. Except maybe Seb. Or maybe he is enjoying a little too much. And by that, I mean he is drinking. Cashing in the fact that there are no little kids running around the house and hiding under our beds. Thus, making it easy for him to hide it. Well, that would explain his behavior. The irrational behavior that is.

After lunch today, we all stayed in the living room. Mom talked about watching a movie, but dad was exhausted. And even the Wilsons seemed exhausted. They all were in the kitchen preparing the Christmas dinner. The kids were not allowed. They knew we would only mess things up. They are not wrong. Dad is great cook he doesn't even like mom there sometimes. As the adults went for a nap one by one, Kenzie and I stayed behind. Well, the idea was to watch a movie. That reminds me Seb left too. I have no idea why, but he is sleeping awfully lot for a few days now. Waking up late, taking naps. I need to check under his bed. Wow a statement I never thought I would even have to think regarding my brother.

So, Kenzie and I started watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We were enjoying the movie. I was happy. Relaxed. Then I remembered what kept on happening for the last few days as soon as I relaxed. I knew something is about to happen. I just don't know what or even when. We were watching the movie. Then we started talking about Christmas and how there are certain things related to it. We started arguing that things related to Christmas are not same at every place. How or why, this started I don't know. But now I am in the middle of this with Kenzie on Christmas afternoon.

"I am telling you White Christmas is a thing." Kenzie argued.

"Yeah, and I am telling you tell that to the Australians." I replied.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you keep saying it's the same everywhere for Christmas. I am just saying it is not."

"Yeah, well you can't argue that kissing under the mistletoe is different at different places."

"Umm maybe it is. I don't know. You don't know either. Also, Kenzie I thought you didn't believe in kissing under mistletoe."

"Who said I don't?" Kenzie asked with her eyebrow raised. "Is it because of Sebastian?"

"Yeah. I mean...yeah." I sighed.

"Look Olly, I didn't kiss him for several reasons. One, we are not really dating, plus I kind of like someone. He doesn't know that, but you do since it's you. Two, I really didn't want to kiss your brother, or any guy for that matter. But I am not ready to tell him that. And three, you were standing right there barely few feet away from us. What? Did you think I would not feel weird and awkward kissing the brother of the girl I like just because we are standing under a mistletoe?"

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