Chapter 24 - Olivia

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Today is Christmas Eve. That's the first thought I had as soon as I opened my eyes. My eyes took time to adjust to the sunlight flooding my room on the count of the fact, I forgot to close my curtains last night. But my brain seems to have woken up faster. After all tomorrow is Christmas. No wonder I am awake at...I checked my cell. At 7 am. Dammit. I am going back to sleep. As I thought that, I knew I had to get up to close the curtains if I even think of going back to sleep. So, after closing the curtains, I am off to dreamland for at least another hour or so. After all I do not have school now.

The second time I woke up at 8. Literally one hour later. Nice. Well. I like to be up today. I have work to do. Generally, I prefer to sleep in. Usually, I am able to, but not this year. I am up early everyday now. On the day we went tree shopping and today. Not yesterday. Yesterday I was sleeping in a sitting position on the couch that does not count. Yet, I do remember I was up early. Earlier than I usually wake up during breaks. Well, I am glad I am up now. Because after the fiasco last night we have to finish decorating the tree.

Another thing I noticed this year is that I liked watching Christmas movies. Usually, I do not. Well not all of them. There are some I love but not all. This year I have seen what three maybe four Christmas movies till now and I actually enjoyed them. None of them are Home Alone or its part 2. I am sure Seb noticed it too as he asked me about it. I don't like Christmas movies in general a fact that Seb teased me about relentlessly over the years. Why because I love everything related to Christmas, the shopping, the decorations, the songs. Except the movies. I mean I am not totally against it. I just like particular ones and I would prefer to watch them year after year. Something which Seb despises. Yet he sat through the hundred times I watched To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Never ever complaining.

Well, Seb did express his feelings a lot yesterday evening. Not technically voiced it but I guess I would have preferred it over the fiasco he pulled. After we decorated the tree, I was just checking which side facing the front looks good. Mom was also helping. Dad was checking the lights. Seb was nowhere there. Suddenly, I start receiving texts. I instantly knew it was from the group text where Charlie added me along with her group of friends. Well, they are my friends now too. Anyways with my Cape Creek group. I went to check after it continued to ding. I just went to silent it for the time being when one message caught my eye. It was one single text from Kenzie hidden within the pile from the group text. I laughed because she just sent me a snowflake and gloves emoji. I texted back asking what she meant. She didn't reply.

That's when things took a turn. I am sure, although I cannot pinpoint the actual time. But this was it according to me. As after replying to Kenzie and checking that it was nothing urgent in the group chat, I silenced my phone and put it on the table. I looked up thinking mom is there, but it was Seb. He was just standing there watching me while narrowing his eyes. Weird, right? I thought so too. I didn't pay attention to his weirdness then. But I should have. Mom actually went to get a cup of hot chocolate. I shrugged off the weirdness and went to turn the tree and check the ornaments and everything. Suddenly, Seb jumped and ran up to the table. Mom's scream actually got my attention as I was busy checking the tree.

Imagine why Seb behaved like a maniac? If you guessed it was to help me, you are wrong. It was to check my phone. I imagine to see who I was texting, or who was texting me. Whatever it was, it just made me mad. So, I went to take my phone from his hand and put it in my pocket. Yes, I have a passcode. But still it felt crazy. Seb tried to take the phone from me. But mom screamed yet again so he backed away. But within a second as mom turned Seb attacked me. This time he literally pushed me, so I fell, and he tried to take the phone from my pocket. Like what the hell? This time Dad pulled him off me and that's when he lost his balance and fell. With him fell the tree. Destroying some of the ornaments. Thank god not all.

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