Chapter 3 - Sebastian

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Nervousness. The word doesn't even begin to cover how nervous I am feeling. I am literally sweating as I stand outside the gates of my high school, bracing the cold winds of winter. I cannot believe myself. What was I thinking of going to Liv's room and declaring that I would ask Mackenzie to fake date by this week? Was I mad? Did I forgot that I lose my ability to speak? I cursed myself inside my head. And because of that I accidentally bumped into someone. Apparently cursing myself inside my head and walking to school is not a good idea.

"Oh, hey Sebastian. Morning." I can recognize that voice anywhere. Yet, I still looked up to confirm. Yes, I indeed collided with none other than miss Mackenzie Wilson herself.

"Oh umm...hey yourself. Morning is good. I mean Good Morning yeah that's what I meant. Okay see ya!" And I dashed inside. I did glance back once to see Mackenzie give me a confused look. And I bang my head against my locker as soon as I reached it.

"Well hello to you too buddy." I look to my left and sure enough it is David.


"Oh nothing. People usually don't bang their head against the locker just like that so come on tell me. Tell David, he can solve all your problems." I just rolled my eyes. David is always super confident and of course cocky. How the hell are we friends again?

"How did we become friends man? Me and you are nothing alike. In fact, we couldn't be farthest from it." I said and shook my head. David just laughed his boisterous laugh. Apparently, it is one of his charming features. Or so I have heard.

"Seriously man what is going on? Did you try something this break?" David used some gestures which I cannot figure out. I can only assume it means either sex or drugs. None of which I tried.

"What the hell David. You know I don't do drugs or will ever do."

"Chill dude. I was just asking if you got drunk or something. You've been acting off and it's kind of dampening my happy mood. Wait I forgot to tell you. Guess who landed that lady during the break?" I rolled my eyes yet again. "This guy." David pointed a finger at himself. Yes. He loves to boast about his 'girlfriends' as he so 'nicely' calls them. He says girls love to be called girlfriends even if he doesn't do relationship. At times like this he makes me so mad.

"And there goes my mood. Thanks David!"

"Ah you're welcome man. Plus, you need some action man. You need to relax a little. You are all clenched up. Chill just let lose. There are so many girls here who would love to go out with you. Just pick one." I just looked at him. David didn't even get my sarcasm. He genuinely thought I thanked him for what though? I would never know what goes on in his head. Truth be told I don't even wanna know.

"David you know I am not like that."

"Yeah, I know that's why I said, 'would love to go out with you,' not hook up or anything." David just patted my back. I shook my head yet again.

We passed my sister's classroom. I see her settled in chatting with her friend Sophia. Sophia waved at us and Liv just smiled at me. David waved back and I just wanted to see their reaction. And there it was the fake gag and roll of eyes. Just as I knew how they would react to him. It's so weird. David is like the school's player and yet during freshman year when we met, he was almost like a sweet guy. We instantly clicked and became friends. I am pretty sure that was just an act he had though. He soon joined some sports team and became the cliché bad boy jock. His idea is, it is good for his image and lets him get many girls. But my question is, has he ever been in love? Like real love not the one he has which last what a day or at most a week? Yeah, definitely not that.

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