Chapter 22 - Olivia

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Nervous and excitement. I am jittery. I have been since well, since I woke up. It could be the fact that Christmas is near, and we are finally on our winter break. Or the moment Kenzie and I shared last night at the dance. Maybe it is the combination of the two. Or maybe it is the fact that Kenzie and her family will be spending Christmas with us and now I am worried. Yeah, that makes sense.

Seb has been lagging behind all day. While shopping for Christmas tree he literally sat on the ground and slept, I think. And now he is being slow. After coming back home I decided to start decorating because Kenzie and I had plans, this evening which I postponed for later on. She didn't mind though. But told me she would check the decoration when she comes over. And Seb being lazy is not helping me. I am just glad I finished decorating the living room before we went to shop for the tree. That way I can finish decorating Seb's room and my room.

I decorated Seb's room nicely and then did mine. It looks as if I didn't put much effort into my room. That is true because I didn't. I have stuff to put in, but I would do that later on. For now, I need to do the roof and the outside. And seems like I would be the one doing both of those this year. Generally, dad and Seb helps me. This year dad is watching us and Seb is, well he is being hungover. Nobody told him to drink, or to ditch me. I mean at one point I thought why did Seb invite Soph and me to the dance. I mean we literally just sat there all the time, till I went out and danced with Kenzie. And I think Soph danced with Seb, although I didn't ask Seb about it.

That reminds me Soph is being weird again. Or maybe she is not , and I just think that. Wait a minute have I not spent time with her enough to know what is going on? Shit, I am being a bad friend to Soph now. Kenzie is sure the girl Seb told her about is Sophia, and I just avoid it. I have not yet asked Seb about his feelings regarding Sophia, and I know about Soph's crush on him. Oh, this is weird. And now they are spending time thanks to me. No wonder Soph is being weird. She doesn't have her best friend to tell how she is feeling spending so much time with her crush, who according to her is dating Kenzie. This is a proper mess right now, isn't it?

Finally, at 7 I finished decorating. I mean whatever is left I could do tomorrow. Seb looked at me like I am crazy. But I paid no heed and rushed to shower and get dressed for my second date with Kenzie. She didn't tell me where she is taking me, but all I know is it will be good. For some reason when I told mom I would be going out with Kenzie tonight she smiled at me. Just smiled, she didn't give me any time limit to return home at or didn't ask question. What was that about? Seb has no idea I am going out tonight. Well, I just can't tell him things now. Same goes with Soph. But for different reasons. Talking to Charlie helps but at times I miss my best friend.

After I got dressed, I checked to see it was around 7.15 I was early. Kenzie said she would be here at 7.30. Now that I have time, I need to check how much decoration I have left to do. Also, why did my dad not help me this year? Argh! Not like I would ask him, wait why not? Maybe now is the time. I looked around for dad and found him sitting in the kitchen looking at us. Seb is eyeing me. Creepy. As I approached dad, he gave me his smile. The smile that makes him super approachable yet somehow it means he knows why I am here.

"If you are here to ask why I didn't help you, your mother will let you know the reason." Dad replied very nonchalantly. Guess I should have known it was mom's instructions. Great!

Then I turned on my heel to find mom. But as I approached the living room, I saw Kenzie standing there. I looked around a bit. I didn't hear her knock or hear her come in. What the hell? That's weird, right?

"You are here. You are early." I said to Kenzie as I realized she really is here, and it is not 7.30 yet.

"Yeah. And I see you are ready, and you decorated." Kenzie replied with a smirk as she walked towards me. I noticed Seb standing behind still in some kind of shock or daze. Well, shock is perfect seeing as the way Kenzie dressed. Damn she looks hot. The thought made me blush and I know Kenzie knows what I thought as she raised her brow and smirked at me. "Ready to go?" Kenzie then asked me seeing that I am blushing and pretty sure she realized I needed to get out of the house. Also, I know she would tease me about it as soon as we are out of here. I nodded my head vigorously that made Kenzie smile widely.

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