20. Remembering The Pain

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: This chapter deals with rape and slight violence

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: This chapter deals with rape and slight violence. If you would like to, please skip ahead.

Maya's POV

"Is this the Princess Bride?" I said sitting on the floor of the room.

After our little awkward moment, I'd been distracting myself by pulling out any random book from the shelves. Anything to help the uncomfortable silence.

"I've never read that one before." He said taking the book from my hands.

"Seriously? It's such a classic. Princess Buttercup and Wesley, their love story, the journey, I mean it's too good."

He glanced at me with eyebrows raised. "Is there a movie I could watch?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but that's such a cop-out."

"Maybe we can watch it together some time."


The door opened in a fury and Dawn entered the room. She stared at both of us and giggled.

"Willie, we're eating ice cream." Her voice was so small and soft that I almost didn't hear her.

I laughed lightly and Will shook his head.

"Dawn, I told you not to call me that." He groaned.

"Oh, come on Willie, don't be that way." I teased.

"I'll be down soon." He answered. She closed the door and he moved to sit down next to me.

"My family is embarrassing, I'm sorry."

"Are you kidding me?" I said dumbfounded. "I wish I had a family to call embarrassing." I laughed out loud. "They're so proud of you and your accomplishments. It's adorable." I paused and lowered my voice. "When I told you, Ben and Casey we're my only family, I meant it."

"Is there any room for me?" He poked my arm and I pulled another book off of the shelf.

"Maybe." I whispered.

I flipped the book over in my hands and looked at the title.

"Little Women." He said. "That one was her favorite."

"Well, she had good taste. Another book about settling for love." I flipped through the pages.

"I wouldn't exactly say that."

"I'm not having this argument with you again," I said with a smile. "Theo was truly in love with Jo. They tried to sell to us that they just had this platonic connection and nothing more but I didn't buy it."

"He wasn't in love with her. He was infatuated. That's not the same."

"It kind of is."

"No, being infatuated with someone doesn't involve knowing who they actually are. Being in love means loving someone after reading the terms and conditions. With the bullshit and all, you'd still want them."

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