41. Unforgettable

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January 13th


9:45 pm

"I don't think I've ever seen him so stressed before." Casey's head was tilted to the side and I stifled a laugh.

Ben was biting his nails as he kept his eyes on the field anxiously. "You know I can hear you two right?" He said not looking in our direction. He was wearing a buckeyes t-shirt and hat.

Casey laughed lightly and took a sip of her soda.

Ever since Ben and Sean had played football at the beach, it was all he was focused on. He even came up with statistics about the possible game outcomes.

I looked out at the crowd around us. There were even more people watching the game tonight than there were at the semifinals. The game was giving on ESPN and trending at number 1 on Twitter.

As much as I wanted to focus on the game only, my mind was elsewhere.

I was worried that I'd run into Aunt Lucy. Gen and I hadn't seen her so far, but I was still on the lookout. We had to go home tomorrow morning and I wasn't ready to face her.

And I'd be lying if I said the run-in with Monica last night hadn't given me the creeps. I couldn't get her face out of my head. It was filled with terror and pain.

I could see her and the other cheerleaders from here. They stood together watching the game from the side.

She looked fine though.

Maybe I was seeing things and she was fine. I didn't want to be making assumptions anyway.

"Maya?! Is that you?" I lowered my gaze below us and found that the voice belonged to Lory, Will's Mom.

She was further down the bleachers with Dawn sitting next to her.

I smiled and waved.

She ushered me over with her hand and I stood up.

"Who's she?" Casey asked confused.

"Will's Mom."

She raised her eyebrows and smiled.

I moved past some people and walked down the bleacher stairs. I held onto the rail and scooted past more people, making my way towards her.

Once I reached her seat, she enveloped me in a hug. "It's so great that you're here. I was hoping to see you."

I gave Dawn a quick side hug and sat down in the empty seat beside her.

"I wasn't sure I was coming to begin with. I actually surprised Will."

"He must have been so excited." She beamed at me and looked back at the field. "Willie's been so nervous these past few weeks. He kept calling me when he first got here."

I smiled remembering Will's nickname.

"I could only imagine. The stakes are high tonight." I said looking at the game clock. There were 12 minutes left of the game.

I held my hands together feeling my stomach bubble with nervousness.

"I don't know if you know this but,..." She leaned in closer to me. "Will sometimes suffers from anxiety. I was worried about him being down here stuck in his head without talking to someone."

I nodded in understanding. I hadn't seen Will deal with anxiety personally but I do remember him talking about how he used to have panic attacks.

"That's why I was so happy you were here." I focus back on her, a little surprised. "It's important to have people with you during the big moments in life."

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