1. I think I'm gonna throw up

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Some things in life truly don't make any sense to me. Mental math, racism, football, gravity, etc.

I could go on and on but the one thing that I'll never understand is the idea of falling in love.

To be honest it's kind of weird to me.

I've read about it in countless stories, I've written 16-page papers on stories about it, I've seen it, and yet I still don't get it. I feel like everyone around me can grasp the concept, but I'm lost.

Like how did Cinderella know that Prince Charming was "the one"? They fell in love after one night together and then they lived happily ever--well you know how the story goes.

How did she know that he was "the one" and not the only option she had? Then again her best friends were rats, so I don't think she was that bright.

I guess I can relate to Cinderella on some level. Both my parents are dead, the people that I'm left with are despicable, and I have dreams of traveling very far away from here.

But the whole, "I've fallen in love" thing isn't something we have in common. How can I ever be in love when I barely understand it?

I placed my chin into my hand and sighed.

Whatever I guess.

I sat in my bed and stared at the clock on my bedside table that reads 7:29 am. I could barely sleep last night and now I'm up before my alarm.

Just great.

Today is an important day. It could very well change my future.

Okay....so that's a bit dramatic, but it's still an important day.

Today the annual writing competition prompt is announced.

Every year, the writing department has a competition for senior writing major students. There's a question given and the students must write a short story answering the question.

The winner gets their story published and a $12,000 check as a reward.

$12,000 doesn't seem like much to some, but to me, it's my ticket out of here.

If I'm gonna make it on my own as a published author I'm gonna need money, and my minimum wage job at the concessions stand isn't cutting it.

Plus this is the only shot I have at real freedom. If I don't get this I'm gonna have to work at my Step-aunt's antique shop for the next couple of years until I can move out.

It's not the antiques I have a problem with, it's the crazy lady I have to call my legal guardian.

I blinked hard, trying to clear my head.

I have to think positive. I'm one of the best writers in my class and I have one of the highest marks. I can do this.

If I can write an 8 page paper on the symbolism of the sunset in Hamlet, I can answer some stupid prompt question.

Plus I've been a writer my whole life. It's like my therapy. I was made for this.

My alarm sounds next to me and I click it off.

I picked up one of my throw pillows and tossed it on the bed across from mine. It hit the body beneath the blankets.

I got out of my bed and threw on my slippers.

"Ugh... it's too early" She mumbled.

"Casey come on. You have sculpting class at 8:30 and you can't be late again like last time."

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