32. Sweet Home Florida

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Wednesday, December 29th

7:38 am

I tapped my foot nervously as I sat beside Gen in the airport.

It was after 7 in the morning and our flight was set to leave at 8:00 am. It was only an hour and 58-minute flight but I was anxious.

I'd never been on a plane before.

It was one of those things that I'd added to my list of things that made no sense to me. Like how does a plane fly in the air and just stay like that for hours when gravity is a thing? And apparently, technology just keeps it up there or something. I didn't know the specificities, I'd have to ask Ben.

Casey and Ben were supposed to meet us here at 7 but they were late. Casey's tardiness came as no surprise to me and I'm sure Ben was only this late because he was the one that picked her up.

I still couldn't believe this was actually happening. Somehow we'd managed to put everything together and we were just going to Florida.

Aunt Lucy almost derailed our plans this morning by trying to claim that I wasn't allowed to go because someone needed to help her with the shop.

I was a freaking adult and I was tired of being treated like a child. We had a huge argument and I threatened to move out permanently if she kept me from going.

It was the first time I'd seen her pause before saying something. That was when I realized that she needed me more than I needed her in that moment.

Sure, I had no home, and finding a place to stay wouldn't be optimal right now with school going on, but Aunt Lucy didn't have anyone really helping her with the store and she still had money from the government that was supposed to help her after I was left in her care.

I'm pretty sure she'd used the money on herself but I was sure she still needed it. The shop didn't make her that much money a month.

I just wanted to get out of there. It was getting to be too much. After two weeks of arguing with her and doing so many stupid chores around the house because it was "my job", I was ready to leave.

Gen had her head laid back as she was dozing off.

"I didn't tell Will that I was coming," I said aloud.

Her head snapped up and she peered at me with a groggy expression. "What? Why not?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I small part of me feels like he doesn't want me there."

"Why?" She pushed some of her blonde curls behind her ear. "He clearly cares a lot about you. I mean the necklace speaks for itself."

"I think the way he acted after you went out with Spencer speaks volumes. He was probably devastated."

"Which is exactly why I feel like I shouldn't even show my face. It'll probably just distract him." I explained.

"But it might clear things up for him. I think you guys just need to be honest with each other and communicate your feelings. He likes you, you like him, it's not rocket science."

I rubbed my eye and sighed. "I don't know why I'm so insecure," I admitted.

"Are you afraid of what people might say?" She placed her hand over my shoulder.

"Not really. I'm actually just not used to things that work. Like I just expect them to fall apart or leave."

"Well, I think you'd regret it if you didn't try."

I blinked at her and she poked my arm. "Just stop thinking about him. We're gonna go on this vacation and have fun and relax. No more stressing."

I nodded and took a breath. "You're absolutely right. We are going to enjoy the warm weather and relax."

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