51. Exposed

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A/N: 20k reads!!! You guys are amazing. I just started this story in January and we're way farther than I'd planned. Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Btw get your tissues for this one. 😏 Enjoy!

Will's POV

Monday, February 15th

4:25 pm

"Could you bring up the volume?" Patrick said. Micheal raised the remote to the tv and the volume increased.

We were all watching the trial in the living room. There were rumors that it would end possibly by the middle of this week.

Ben said he'd be by with the sodium thio-whatever it was called later.

We didn't have much time left and we hadn't figured out how we would get Cooper alone.

He was only on campus when he was on trial and he had security with him everywhere he went.

I leaned against the kitchen counter and watched the tv through the doorway.

The sound of the front door opening gained my attention and I walked over to the foyer, seeing Ben close the door behind him.

He was dressed in a black sweatshirt, blue jeans, and converse sneakers. He sported a lazy smile and passed me, walking into the kitchen.

"Dude, what's up?" I followed him and lowered my voice. "Is the serum ready?"

He sat down at the stool in front of the island counter.

I could tell by the way he was staring at me that he wasn't fully focused.

"I will let you know in approximately 26 hours." He said with a smile. "As I suspected, it does not prove to be an effective method for gaining the truth but rather a rambler almost. I actually spent approximately 20 minutes talking to a janitor at the science building and I don't remember what we were talking about. To be honest, I don't know what I've been doing in the past hour." He chuckled to himself. "I was almost certain that the dosage amount was correct but there is still room for error. You know--"

I shook his arm stopping his concentration. "What are you talking about?"

He laughed. "You can't just use a chemical serum without using a test subject." He pulled up his sleeve and revealed a small bandaid on his forearm.

I raised my eyebrows and my mouth opened slightly. "You're telling me that you----wait..." I ran a hand through my hair apprehensively.

I peered closely at his eyes and they were droopy. I searched my memory trying to remember what he said a couple of days ago about the effects of the truth serum.

"Maybe you shouldn't have tested it on yourself. I mean maybe we shouldn't be using this at all." I admitted. "It's a bit risky and so much could go wrong. Plus the trial is ending way earlier than we thought."

He nodded his head and raised his brows. "That is true, but unfortunately I've already administered a dose to myself, so now I must wait till the half-life is complete." He folded his hands on the counter and stared at the wall focused intently on it.

I could feel the worry rising in my chest and I moved back towards the living room.

"Sean," I called into the living room while keeping my eyes on Ben. "Could you come in here a sec?"

He walked into the kitchen and noticed Ben. "Hey, I was just about to text you. Have you--"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the hallway.

"Don't ask him a question." I looked over Sean's shoulder and stared at Ben making sure he didn't get up.

He looked at me confused. "Why not?"

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