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3 months later

Friday, August 24th

Maya's POV

"Hello? Earth to Maya? You still in there?"

My chin fell from the hand that was propped up by my elbow and I jolted to attention.

My eyes focused on the warm brown face staring right back at me with a hint of a smile on her face.

"Huh?" I mumbled. "Sorry, I phased out for a second." I sighed and sat up straighter in my desk chair. "What were you saying?"

The blond in the cubicle next to me laughed softly and I rolled my eyes.

Tara smiled at me and I raised my eyebrows waiting for her to continue.

"Allie was asking for an opinion on this guy she saw at a party last night," Tara said tapping her bejeweled pink pen on her desk.

I focused back on my monitor and pressed save on the article I had been writing. The time read 4:48 pm. I was so close to freedom.

I couldn't wait to get home.

I turned to see Allie's blond hair fall past her shoulders. She leaned closer to my chair with a sly grin. "He wasn't just some guy Maya. Tara is downplaying just how hot this guy was."

I raised my eyebrows and leaned back in my swivel chair. "Oh?"

She nodded and sat up straighter. "I think he may be the one."

Tara laughed and typed away at her keyboard. "You think you've found the love of your life every week Al. What makes this guy any different?"

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing.

Allie flipped Tara off, which made her laugh louder this time.

I shook my head and focused back on the clock. 4:50 pm.

"I'm serious. My friend invited me to this party and I thought it was just going to be like random people our age but there like...actual celebrities there."

I raised my eyebrows again and laughed this time. "Celebrities?"

My coworker who I'd only known for the past month nodded gingerly and her bright blue eyes widened.

Tara scoffed and I looked over the short divider that separated our cubicles. "Let her finish."

Tara's long brown hair was pulled back into a low ponytail today and she pursed her lips, giving me a sideways look.

She was much more of a realist than I was. Allie on the other hand oozed optimism and was so bubbly that it was sometimes overwhelming.

Tara wasn't wrong though. Allie had come in last week and claimed that she met the love of her life on the subway. She even went as far as taking a picture of him.

But she never saw him again and like she always did, Allie sulked for 3 days and then got over it. And then onto the next.

That was the thing about the city. There were some people that you'd only see someone once and then never again.

Allie's major flaw was that she somehow was convinced after making eye contact with this random person that he was "the love of her life". Then suddenly she could see herself married and having kids.

Some people walked through life but Allie Sullivan simply jumped 30 meters forward without a safety net.

Tara on the other hand liked to be the needle that popped Allie's balloon of optimism. She said it was her service towards humanity. Being painfully honest and sometimes a pain in the ass.

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