21. Busted

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Wednesday, December 2nd

"I can't believe I missed all of this," Casey said splashing paint on the canvas board.

We were sitting in an empty classroom and it was late afternoon. Casey was finishing up a piece that she had to hand in soon and I was waiting for her so we can go eat.

After she came back on Sunday night, she won't stop talking about what happened. She called Ben and told him everything.

"I'm so happy for you." She said throwing white paint at the canvas.

I spun on the stool next to her and looked outside the windows.

"That we made up or something else?" I questioned.

She stopped in her tracks and peered at me. "Please don't play games with me?"

I laughed in shock. "What?"

"Don't play that game with me where you deny your true feelings forever and keep yourself from what you deserve." She passionately gestured at me.

"I'm not—"

"Promise me." She interrupted. "When you reach the moment where you feel something that you won't shove it away."

"Okay relax... I promise."

She turned back to her work and rubbed her fingers along the canvas. Her hands were dirty with streaks of different paint colors dripping down her wrists.

"Good. At least one of us should be content with our personal relationships."

"I take it that Ben hasn't made a move."

She shook her head and furiously mixed colors on her palate.

"I think I'm gonna just let it go. Maybe I should see other people too. I've been asked out like 3 times in the past few months and I've turned down every single one because I'm waiting on what may or may not happen between me and Ben."

I could hear the frustration in her voice. I jumped off the stool and moved to stand beside her. I looked at the painting and sucked in a breath. It was beautiful.

"Oh, my gosh Case."

In front of me stood a painting of a man's face. Except it was blurred out in an array of colors. He was anonymous but known at the same time.

To the naked eye, it was a random person but I knew it was Ben

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To the naked eye, it was a random person but I knew it was Ben.

"He's even showing up in my art." She whined and wiped her hand across her head, leaving a streak of red and orange on her head. "I hate this. How could someone that formulates theories and spends most of his time in a lab have taken up so much of my thoughts?"

I threw my arm over her shoulder. "Because you love him. Don't go out and date other people to distract yourself. If you still want to be with him then just tell him and end-all of this waiting."

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