Chapter Seventeen- Fearful Love

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Chapter Seventeen- Fearful Love


"Wait so let me get this straight..." Emma says. "The only way to save my son is through this weird love prophecy,"
"Yes," Callie nodds
"What makes you think we're the ones who can help?" I ask.
"Well it's fairly obvious isn't it?" Peter asks raising his eyebrow.
"No, it isn't," Regina growls.
"Two in love with a kiss most pure....that's obviously Mary Margaret and David," Callie says.
"Why?" David asks.
"Are you kidding me?" I laugh. "You've broken through how many curses with your true loves kiss?"
"Only like two or three...." Mary Margaret says.
"Possibly more," David adds
"Try probably," I sneer.
"Okay we've established that my parents have a pure kiss or whatever," Emma says her face contorted in confusion. I can tell she's thinking hard. "But who are the others,"
"Seriously?" Regina laughs. "You and Hook are obviously the two with the fear to love the other thing,"
"What?" Emma and I shout at the same time. I mean I do love her...and I'm not afraid to love her, but I doubt she feels the same.
"See? Point proven," Regina says.
"Alright but who's the cursed ones?" David asks. Silence fell as we all looked at Peter and Callie. Callie nervously looks at Peter, and I notice his grip on her hand tightens.
"Does Henry know about this?" Regina asks changing the subject from the clear foreboding that has fallen on us.
"No, he doesn't, and he won't know for a while," Peter says.
"He should know that we are going to try to save him!" Emma says.
"He does know," Callie says. "I told him yesterday,"
"YOU DID WHAT??" Peter shouts.
"There was a different plan going on when I told him!!!" She defends herself. "Breathe honey. Deep breaths,"
Peter inhales deeply. "Okay," he exhales. "Sorry,"
"Wow. Wish we could've handled anger management that good before," David whistles. Mary Margret glares at him, and I can't help but chuckle. "Right anyways, what does the rest of the prophecy mean?"
"I have no idea," Callie says. "Which is why Peter and I are going to go back to camp and do some searching,"
"What are we supposed to do?" Regina growls.
"I don't know," Peter sneers. "Fight some more?"
"Seriously what are we supposed to do?" Emma asks.
"Wait," Callie says. "We'll be in touch soon," she adds before her and Peter vanish into thin air.
"Well, that's that. I'm going to get some sleep," Mary Margaret says.
"I'll take first watch," David says.
"Wait so thats its?" Regina asks. "We're just going to do what they say?"
"Do you have any better ideas?" I ask.
"Well, no," she huffs.
"Then that's settled." Emma sighs. "I'm gonna go get some more wood,"
"I'll come with you," I offer.
"sure," she smiles fakely. Something is bothering her.
"What's wrong love?" I ask as we walk through the woods.
"Do you think that what Regina said was true?" She asks. I'm taken aback that she would even tell me what's on her mind.
" know how I feel about you Swan," I say simply.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.
"It means my dear that I care about you," I say hesitantly. She just rolls her eyes. "Emma," I say grabbing her hand, and making her stop and look at me. I put my hand on her face, carefully caressing her cheek with my thumb.
"Hook I-"
"Emma, you have me entirely entranced by your entire being. And it is not going away anytime soon. When I'm around you I feel- something. And I know you feel it too," I say softly. "But I will wait. Because I want you to fall for me in your own time. But please," I whisper leaning in closer. "Let me do this just once,"
"Hook-I-I can't," she says stepping away. "I just can't,"

Hey all! How you doin? I LOVE this chapter. Captain Swam FOREVAAAA! <3 Who do you ship? Love you all! Comment and vote!

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