Chapter Two--Who is Callie?

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Chapter Two-- Who is Callie?

Emma's POV

I slammed my car door with Henry's book in hand.
"You think her story is actually in here?" Mary Margrey asked.
"I sure hope so," I said placing the book on the car hood so everyone could see at the same time.
"How do we even find her story?" David asked. "Is there like a Contents page?"
I shrugged taking my chances and opening to the very first page. Sadly though it wasn't gonna be that easy. I groaned.
"Okay so much for that idea," Regina snapped.
"Well now what?" I asked. "Does anyone remember anything about her?"
"Gold you're the one who led us to her what do you remember?" David said.
"And I told you I only know her name. And that she was better at making deals than I was," he said the last part with a chuckle.
"So there was another deal maker?" Mary Margret asked. "Anyone make a deal with a girl?" David said half serious half joking.
"Hey," I said nodding at Hook. "Callie said you could tell is a thing or two about her. You used to live on Neverland what's her story?"
Hook looked at me with a defeated sigh. "Emma love," he started. "All I know is that she lived on the island and that she could travel between worlds," he explained. I felt any hope that I had had slowly dwindle away.
"Wait a second," Mary Margret said. "Do you know what she looked like when she was in then enchanted forest?" she asked.
"I believe she had long pink hair and a short dress similar to a fairies that was striped," hook answered. "Why?" He added.
"Because there was a girl I met once who said she could travel to any land she wanted to," Mary Margret explained. "She was a trickster and a deal maker and she wanted me to make a deal with her. It seemed simple at the time and I never quite understood it,"
"What was it?" I asked.
"She gave me a necklace that prevented guards from seeing me so that I could have less close calls, all she asked was that I never kill another cat," Mary Margret said.
"......what?" Gold asked as confused as the rest of us.
"Oh just give me the book!" She exclaimed pulling it towards her. She flipped through it until she came to a picture of her as Snow White with a girl with bright pink hair. I quickly glanced over the story.
"You had killed a stray cat because you were so hungry and desperate for food?" I asked. Mary Margret nodded.
"She appeared out of nowhere after that, I'll never forget her grin," she laughed. "You know it's funny. If I didn't know better I would say that she had a grin similar to....." Mary Margret stopped as something dawned across her face.
"Similar to what?" David asked encouragingly.
"A Chesire cat," she whispered.
"Like Alice in wonderland Chesire cat?" I asked. She nodded.
"Look at the picture love," hook said pointing. "That's Callie for sure,"
"So she's the Chesire car from wonderland?" Regina asked. "That's it? Is that the answer?"
"Must be," David shrugged.
"Let's go talk to her then," I said turning to go inside.
"Oh I am gonna kill Pan when we get on that island and find Henry," David muttered.
"Wait a minute!" Hook said stopping us all. "There's more to her that I know that you need to hear before you go making deals with that cat," hook said.
"Like?" I asked.
"She's in love with Peter Pan. And there's no way in heck she'll let you hurt him much less kill him,"
"WHAT?!?!?" We all screamed. Hook sighed.
"Why didn't you say so sooner?!?" I asked outraged.
"Because love! I had never put together that Callie the girl who traveled through worlds was the same mythical Chesire Cat the demon had fallen for and she for him," Hook explained. "I can tell you a lot more than that not that I've put the two together,"
"Well hurry up we only have ten minutes left!" David said checking his watch.
"She's clever. Really clever and can outsmart you at any game you play or deal you make. She's ruthless and cruel in a mischievous way. She has a good nature to her but it's very hard to find and making things difficult is her specialty," Hook said. "She's a demon just like Pan and if you get help from her you're gonna have a real hard time," he finsihed.
"What choice do we have?" Regina asked.
"You don't have one darling!" A voice drawled. I turned to see Callie standing there grinning like the Chesire cat she was. She had been standing there the whole time...

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