Chapter Sixteen-Secrets and New Deals

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Chapter Sixteen- Secrets and New Deals

Present Time


"Callie, can I talk to you?" Peter asks interrupting my story telling to Henry.
"Of course," I smile standing up and following him to his tent. My stomach his clenching and twisting in fear and I can feel the fur on my ears starting to rise.
"What's wrong babe?" I ask.
"Are you working for Henry's family?" He asks. Oh great.
"Where did you hear that?" I ask.
"The shadow," he says. Anger and fury rage behind his eyes. I sigh. If the shadow told him then I can't lie.
"Yes," I say. "Yes I am,"
His face sinks and he turns away.
"Peter let me explain please," I beg.
"I'm listening," he says.
"Look at me first so you know I'm not lying," I tell him. He clenches his fist but slowly turns to look at me.
"I did it to get back to you. And to save Henry of course. But you know how my portals work. They have to close eventually. I needed them to ask me for help, " I explain. "Then we came up with a plan to get me back here. They thought it was to save Henry but it was mostly to come back to you."
"So you betrayed both parties?" He says coldly.
"Have I betrayed you ever?" I ask.
"Without Henry I could die!" He shouts.
"We are going to save you without killing an innocent boy!" I shout back. "You would have never done this 40 years ago! You don't need to kill him! We have another way and we are going to use it!"
"What if they don't help!?" He yells.
"They will do anything to help Henry," I say. "They love him,"
Peter sits on his cot defeated, knowing that I've won the argument.
"You're scared," I say sitting next to him.
"Of course I'm scared!" He groans. "If this doesn't work I'm gonna die and never be with you or the lost boys ever again,"
"you are not going to die." I say firmly my gut wrenching a little as I think about the concept. He just sighs. I entwine my fingers with his and lay my head on his shoulder, careful to lay my ears back and not wack him. We sit in silence for a moment just thinking.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," I smile.
"Come on," he says standing up and pulling me up after him. "Let's go find them,"
"That won't be too hard," I grin. "Just follow the sound of fighting,"


"Hook give me a hand will you?" David calls as he comes back with firewood. "I'd ask for both but..."
"Oh ha ha very funny," Hook says rolling his eyes as he takes some of the wood from David.
"Boys again? Really?" Mary Margaret sighs.
"Sorry dear," David mutters.
"I still don't understand why we are camping, waiting around for a love sick cat," Regina growls.
"Oh I don't know Regina maybe it's because she's the only way of getting Henry back," I say sarcastically.
"She can't be trusted," she retorts.
"I trust her. She was telling the truth," I argue.
"Oh great. And you trusting people has always turned out soooo great now hasn't it?" She snaps.
"Ladies please, let's not start a cat fight," Hook pleads.
"I believe that's my job!" I silken voice comes slinking through the trees.
"Callie love!" Hook says towards the sound of the voice.
"Is it really you this time?" I ask suspicious.
"Yes it's me. The shadow wouldn't dare come back twice," she says as she comes flying down from the tree she was hiding in.
"How's Henry?" Regina asks eagerly.
"Is he safe?" I ask.
"He's fine," another voice says.
"Pan," Hook growls, his eyes darkening as a young boy steps out from the shadows.
"You led him to us?!" David shouts.
"I had too," she smirks walking over and standing by him.
"You broke our deal!" I snap.
"No. I didn't. Working with him is the only way to save Henry," she says her ears standing on end a little bit.
"He's a demon!" Hook shouts.
"This is all your fault emma!" Regina yells.
"Me?!?" I gasp.
"I told you they'd be fighting," Callie smirks to Peter.
"I didn't doubt you," he chuckles.
"Listen," she said turning her attention back to us. "There's only one way to save Henry. And you have to help us. Or he is going to die. That's the deal,"
We all stood in silence for a moment.
"Well then," I sigh. "I guess we have no choice,"

EEEEEP! Are you guys freaking out? It's gettin serious!
Raise your hand if your in shock that I did a double update *raises hand*

This chapter was inspired in part from an idea @AllyBoth gave me from the Authors note about two chapters back! Remember I always want to hear where YOU think the story is going! I love hearing from you guys and I love talking to you!
Love you all!

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