Authors note

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Helllloooo everyone.
I never imagine so many people would love this story. It's crazy amazing lemme tell you.
And lots of those amazing people (like you) have been asking me to update.
I figure I should at least tell you why I haven't updated.
I'm stuck.
And busy.
Mostly stuck.

Okay maybe half and half.
If any of you know what NaNoWriMo is than you now understand why I haven't been updating. If you don't know hat it is I'll tell you. NaNoWriMo stands for Nationel Novel Writing Month. You write a 50,000 word novel on 30 days durning November. Crazy right? But this crazy girl did it. Actually I just finished like an hour ago.
Now that that is out of the way. I am really truly honestly hoping I can unstick myself from the writers block and update for you guys!
If you want more updates faster then here is what YOU can do!!
Tell me where YOU think the story is going. What do YOU want to see happen next! Get my creative juices flowing Guys! I promise I will dedicate a chapter to and follow anyone whose ideas I use!
You can either message me or leave a comment
Sound like a deal?

And please remember.
If you have the urge to throw me in a volcano again like last time this happened.....
I can't update from inside lava.

Thanks lovelies!

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