Chapter Eighteen- More Human than Cat

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Chapter Eighteen- More Human than Cat

Once Upon a Time in the Enchanted Forest


“You better have had a good reason for this!” I yell slamming open the doors to the main hall. I had been gone for two weeks and I was not a happy camper.

“Did you find it?” Rumple asked excitedly.

“Yes I got it,” I growled slamming the piece of paper on the table. “You sent me on a wild goose chase for a stupid invitation to a BALL??” I yell. I hear a little gasp and a clink and I turn to see a girl in a big yellow dress standing there. Shards of what once was a plate sat around her.

“Oh now you’ve broken a plate too?” Rumple groaned.

“What is she doing up here?” I hiss.

“Cleaning,” he says simply. I look at her again.

“Belle, right?” i say. She nods. “Can you even move in that thing?” I ask gesturing to her dress. She shrugs.

“I mean I can move well enou-” she starts but I cut her off by waving my hand and changing her yellow dress to a shorter blue one.

“You’re welcome,” I say before turning back to Rumplestiltskin. “Why on earth did you need me to go get a invitation so badly? You forge them all the time!”

“Because these invitations have very specific wording on them!” he growls picking up the scroll and reading it. “I have know everything exact, because I have to go get a wand from a Fairy Godmother! And because of that, I’m probably going to have to send a girl to a ball, and it helps to know which one I have to send her too!” He snaps. I roll my eyes.
“I still don’t see why I had to go get it,” I hiss.

“Well, I figure you should get your own invitation,” he says.

“WHAT?” I shout. “There is no way I am going to a ball! Especially one for a prince looking for a princess!”

“I need you to go and make sure everything goes like I need it to!” he argues.

“And why cant you go?” I ask.

“Because, I’ll be busy helping the girl get there!”

“Ugh! And the whole prince thing?” I ask.
“Get a date, and he wont pick you!” he says simply.

“The ball is in-” I hesitate checking the paper again. “THREE HOURS RUMPLESTILTSKIN! WHERE IN WONDERLAND AM I GOING TO FIND A DATE?” I yell.

“Callie?” a voice says. “You’re back!”

I turn to see Peter there grinning from ear to ear. I turn back to Rumple to see him smirking and holding out the invitation to me. My hands slowly ball into fists.

“ARGH!” I yell snatching the paper and storming out.

“I hope your dancing’s good,” I hiss at Peter slamming the paper on his chest before pulling him out with me.

“Callie what’s wrong?” Peter calls after me, running to keep up with my long strides. I don’t answer him. Instead I slam open the doors to my room and march over to my armoire.

“Callie talk to me!” he begs. I start using magic to flip through dresses as fast as I can.

“CALLIE!” He yells.
“WHAT?” I snap back whipping around to look at him. I see the fear in his eyes, in his body language. Over the past month he’s been here, he’s never seen me like this.

“Please,” he says, softer this time. “Tell me what’s wrong,”

“Why would anything be wrong?” I snap turning away from him again.

“Something happened while you were gone Callie,” he says. “I know you shouldn’t have been gone for two weeks. So what happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I say. I feel a hand on my shoulder. He turns me around to face him and we’re barely two inches apart. I can feel his warm breath on my face and those green eyes are staring intently into my own. He keeps staring until I sigh and give in.

“I went and saw my brother,” I sigh, looking away.

“Well that’s good isn’t it?” He asks.

“Not when he tells you he doesn’t know who you are anymore and that he never wants to see you again,” I whisper, my heart shattering even more then when I had heard the words the first time.

“Oh Callie,” he murmurs, and before I can stop it he has his arms wrapped around my waist and he’s hugging me tightly. I tense for a moment, but then relax, drawing comfort from his touch.

“I don’t even know who I am anymore Peter,” I sigh.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“I’ve been a human for so long, that...I don’t even miss being a cat anymore. It felt so strange being in the form again,” I say. “If I’ve lost my will to be what I was originally set out to be, then what am I now?”

“Do you remember the first night I came here? You pushed me against the wall and gave me a warning?” he asks pulling away and looking at me.


“What did you tell me?” he smirks.

“I told you that I wasn’t a girl. I was a cat who looks like a girl and that I am very dangerous,” I say.

“Exactly,” he smiles. “You are Callie. And you are a cat, who looks like a girl. You’re very dangerous but very clever. You are still you Callie, you’ve just lost sight of it,”

I laugh a little at his words. “Thank you Peter,” I say. “But I think I’m beginning to become more girl on the inside,”

“Is that why you don’t want to go to the ball?” he asks. “Because it’s such a human thing?”

“Maybe,” I murmur. “But it’s mostly because I just really want to sleep in my own bad,” I laugh. He chuckles.

“Well… I don’t think there’s anyway of getting out of it now is there?” he asks and I shake my head.

“No there’s not,” I sigh.

“Well then,” he grins. “Let’s make the best of it,”

Hey all! I LOVE this chapter! Now, I was doing some research and I realized some of my timelines don't quite match up to the the actual show. So just...bear with me and if you notice anything that seems like it doesnt match just remember that is only loosley based on OUAT and I am trying my best! Love you all!! And PLEASE keep commenting! It's really nice to have a reminder that people are actually reading this story. I never imagined I could get people to actually read my work, and it makes me feel amazing and want to write more and more when people say how much they love it! I really do love writing, but sometimes I forget Callie and Peter and their little world need my attention! ;) So keep it up! And I'm going to start dedicating my chapters to people with the best comments! Love you all!

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