Chapter Five-Callie Has A Plan

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Chapter Five-- Callie Has A Plan

Emma's POV

Callie ran back into camp breathless. "I know how to get him back! You need to let me get taken by Pan, you need to let me get into the camp and convince Pan to not hurt Henry! It'll work I know it!"

"WHAT?!?!?" I shout.

"For once I agree with Miss Swan, besides do you really think that he'll listen to you?" Regina said angrily.

"He will I know it!" Callie argued

"You're just going to abandon us?" Hook asked.

"Well.....when you put it that way..." Callie trailed off. Her tail was twitching behind her, and underneath her mask of a blank face I could tell she was nervous.

"How do you propose that this plan will actually work?" David asked.

"It'll work because it will distract Pan!" she protested.

"I dont think Pan can be distracted from what he wants," Mary Margret said softly.

"This plan almost makes it seem like you dont want to help us," Regina said suspicouly.

"Oh, yeah because you've spent half of your life around Pan and know all his weaknesses and the fastest way to defeat him! If you dont trust me FINE! But dont come asking me for ideas!" She yelled stalking off to the other side of camp.

"Oh great Regina just make her mad why dont you!" I said frustrated, following after Callie.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked avoiding her tail as I sat next to her on the long she had deemed as her pouting spot.

"Yeah just fine," she snapped.

"You're right you know, we don't know Pan's weakness," I said. She chuckled darkly.

"You have no idea," she sighed.

"Then give me one," I said. You looked at me for a moment before looking at the ground again. I knew that look. "It's you isnt it?"

"Yes," she sighed. "but not just me,"
"Well then what else?" I asked.

"Magic," she said with a clear tone of frustration.

"You and magic? That doesnt seem like a good combination," I said. She nodded.

"Its not,"

"So why are you his weakness?" I asked.

"Because once upon a time," she sighed. "We were in love,"

"What happened?" I asked.

"Regina's curse," she growled. "I was unlucky enough to be in the enchanted forest then and got taken. It's been almost thirty years now since I've been back, and he probably thinks I'm dead," she added sadly.

"So youre saying if you can get into the camp you can scare everyone?" I asked.

"It'll be such a shock that he'll be distracted for long enough for us to get close again and to protect Henry," she explained. It made much more sense now.

"Alright," I said standing up. She looked confused. "I believe you, we'll do your plan," I made sure to say it loud enough that everyone else would hear.

"Emma are you sure?" Mary Margret asked.

"I'm sure," I nodded. No one else questioned it so i turned to Callie and said "alright so how do we do this?"

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