Chapter Fifteen- Is He Worth the Time?

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Chapter Fifteen- Is He Worth the Time?

Once Upon a Time in the Enchanted Forest......

"Rumplestilkisn!" I cry bursting through the doors of the main room in the castle.
"Ah Callie! You're back!" He grins.
"I found him, I found the boy," I say my signature grin slowly creeping onto my face.
"What boy?" He asks. I roll my eyes.
"The boy Regina told us about,"
"Ah! You mean the one you almost killed her for!" He laughs.
"She deserved it! She was being a total-"
"I know!" He says holding up a hand to stop me. "Where is he?"
"In the hallway," I shrug casually.
"Why must you always bring your hobbies home?" Rumplestilkisn sighs. "Bring him in,"
"Peter, you can come in now," I call. He walks gazing around in amazement. When he sees Rumple his eyes grow wide.
"Hello boy!" Rumple grins, laughing that creepy giggle.
"He-he-hello sir," Peter gulps.
"Oh I like it when they're scared," Rumple chuckles.
"Oh stop it," I groan placing a hand on Peters shoulder to assure him he was fine. "I told Peter he could stay with us for a time. He has no where else,"
"You're lucky you're you otherwise I'd be mad," Rumple growls.
"You need me," I smirk.
"Yes! I know!" He hisses. "Now let me be! I'll need you in about an hour to go visit that King,"
"I'll be down," I nodd before leading Peter out of the room.
"You work for the Dark One?" He gasps as I lead him down a hallway.
"Yes," I smirk. "You got a problem with that?"
"No, I just think you're brave. I like brave girls," he grins cheekily.
"Are you flirting with me?" I ask.
"Not if you don't want me to be, my wish is your command darling," he smirks. I smile fakely at him before grabbing his shoulder and pushing him against the wall.
"Listen Peter," I grin my evil smile. "I'm not a girl, I'm a cat who looks like a girl. And I'm very dangerous, you understand? So don't play games with me or you will regret it,"
"But you see I like danger," he smirks. "I like a girl with fire in her eyes," he says staring into me with his brilliant green ones. Before I can process it he grabs my hand and twists us both so now I'm the one against the wall. He's close dangerously close.
"You're not the Cheshire Cat I met in Wonderland anymore," he remarks.
"And you're not the little boy I met," I retort. "I approve,"
"You approve?" He asks letting me go and taking a step back, realizing it had been a test.
"I had to make sure you were worth my time. And you are," I smirk.
"You are one cunning cat," he laughs.
"Why thank you," I grin. "Ah here's your room. I'll be back in a few hours to talk. Right now I have work to do,"
"Yes ma'am," he says with mock seriousness. I smirk.
"I like you Peter," I say.
"I like you too darling," he winks before stepping inside leaving me to walk away chuckling.
"Are you sure he's worth our time?" Rumple asks as I walk back into the main room.
"Positive," I say. "He's valuable,"
"Then I'll tolerate him, now let's go,"

Hey all!
Thank you so much for your guys comments and stars! It really means so much to me! I had someone tell me that this was one of the best stores on Wattpad and it made my day. Thank you all loves!

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