Chapter Twelve--The Dark One's Assistant

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Chapter Twelve-- The Dark One's Assistant

Once Upon A Time in the Enchanted Forest.......


"Now dearie. How on earth did you manage to get here? No one can be on my land unless I wish it!" Rumplestilkisn asked.

"A portal sir," I said respectively.

"Well that's inpossible!" He said.

"No it's not. I made one." I argued. He looked at me suddenly interested.

"You...made one?" He asked pointing a long crooked finger at me. I slowly nodded. He giggled. It was weird.

"What are you?" He asked.

"A Cheshire Cat," I hissed. He took a step back.

"Not THE Cheshire Cat though?...right?" He asked nervously.

"No. I'm his sister," I snapped rolling my eyes.

"Ah...I see. Well what are you doing in the enchanted forest?" He asked. I didn't like how he was suddenly so curious about me.

"I left Wonderland in search of new places and new forms," I explained.

"I see," he said again. "And do you have a plan of where you'll go, what you'll do, who you will meet and so forth?" He asked. He getting to something I just didn't know what.

"No..." I said hesitantly. "Not yet..."

"Well then! How would you like to become my...."he paused as he searched for the right word. "Assistant?"

"Assistant?" I asked.

"You can travel with me and learn all about this world and it's magic!" He said. I'll admit it sounded appealing. "There is however a catch!" He added.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well I never do things without making a deal. So! Here's the deal I'll make you. You can be my assistant and learn all about this world if you help me travel places with your portals!" He smirked.

"One problem. I don't know how my portals work," I said.

"That's alright well figure it out." He said waving his hand as if to brush it off. "Now do we have a deal?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Deal" I said, smiling my signature grin.

Present Day on Neverland

"You made a deal with Rumplestilkisn?!?" Henry gasped. "But you were the one always making deals!!!!"

"I had to learn from someone didn't I?" I giggled.

"You were his assistant?" He asked in shock.

"Yes and I actually quite enjoyed. My miscveous nature and his evil one worked quite well together," I said. Henry shook his head in disbelief.

"What did you even do for him?" He asked.

"Mostly made portals. I helped with deals. I even helped train your mother," I smirked.

"My mom?" Henry asked. I nodded.

"In fact. One of those training sessions was the very placed I heard about Peter again," I smiled.

Once Upon A Time in the Enchanted Forest.....

Six months later...

"Ugh why'd we have to take the wet portal?" Rumple grumbled.

"Because YOU wanted to go make a deal with a freaking SEA WITCH!!" I shout wringing out my pink hair.

"Good point," he said. I rolled my eyes. In the past six months I had traveled and seen more than I had ever dreamed. I had also learned a lot about myself and my magic.

"Well let's get going weve got people to mess with!" I said. I turned to see a woman standing there looking stunned.

"Oh great you landed us in front of someone again!!" Rumple complained.

"It's not my fault people move!" I hissed before turning back to the woman. But all I could see was a figure running in the distance.

"Annnnnd now she's gone! Probably off to tell her whole village!!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes. "Well we better go find her and kill her," he said.

"Let's just let this one go," I growled. "I'm tired of you killing people,"

"Fine," he snapped. "Only because were late."

"Oh no not training Regina again?" I groaned.

"What has to be done had to be done!" He said as we started to walk.

"She's such a whiny snob!" I moaned.

"Don't let her hear you say that or she'll cut off your head," he chuckled. I started laughing.

"What's so fun..oh right. Wonderland. Queen of hearts. Her mother. Ha. Ha." He said.

"Like mother like daughter!" I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" A voice asked as we can upon a clearing. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing Regina," Rumple said.

"Why'd you bring her?" Regina complained.

"Hello to you too, darling!" I said sarcastically. She faked smiled at me.

"Girls please!" Rumple begged. "You give me a headache,"

Regina rolled her eyes. "I met a pesky little boy today. He had magic. He was good at it too." Regina said.

"A boy with magic?" I laughed.

"What could he do?" Rumple asked.

"Simple things but he did them well. He also claimed to have the power to stay young forever." She said. My attention peaked. It couldn't be him....could it? I hadn't thought of that boy since I left Wonderland.

"What use would that be to me? I'm immortal!" Rumple hissed.

"Just thought he might be valuable," Regina shrugged.

"Did he give a name?" I asked.

"Yes," she said simply trying to be difficult.

"Well what was it?" I asked losing my patience.

"Peter...Peter Pan,"

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