Chapter Nineteen- Try To Have Fun

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Once Upon a Time in the Enchanted Forest


"Well don't you look pretty?" Rumple says a little bit mockingly as I walk into the room in my dress. I just roll my eyes.
"Now why exactly am I going to this thing again?" I ask.
"Simple." Rumple says. "There will be a blonde girl whose late. Probably wearing blue. When she arrives I need you to put a spell on her so no one knows who she is,"
"Simple enough," I shrug. "What else,"
"Make sure she and the prince dance all night long,"
"Another true love story?" I ask in disgust.
"I don't see why you're so against it," he says. "You love messing with Snow White and Prince Charming,"
"Well yeah! Because they're story is actually interesting!" I protest. "The rest of them are just a bunch of fiddle faddle,"
"I think you're just jealous," he snickers.
"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. "Anything else?"
"Oh yeah. Enjoy yourself," he adds. "Relax. Have some fun. You've been working way too hard,"
"I'm sorry did you just tell me to have fun?" I laugh. "Who are you and what have you done with the Dark one?"
"Ha ha very funny." He chuckles."ive got to go now. I'll see you at midnight!" He calls over his shoulder walking out. I give a heavy sigh and smooth down a wrinkle in the purple satin of my dress. I fix the bow on my hip and make sure my silver necklace is straight.  I really do love this gown.
"Wow," I hear a voice say. I turn to see Peter standing there in a simple green coat and black pants.
"Callie you look amazing," he says with a grin almost as wide as my own.
"Not too bad yourself," I smile. "You ready to do this thing?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," he laughs.
"Well then let's go," I smirk before proofing us into the ball.
"Wow," I gasp gazing up at the palace the ball was at.
"You can say that again," Peter agrees gazing up at the tall turrets.
"Come on," I say walking toward the entrance. "Let's get this over with,"
"Invitation?" I guard asks gruffly. Peter hands him our invitation and he waves through.
"Your name?" A footman then asks. Peter looks at me nervously.
"Collin and Priscilla Gold," I say quickly giving a fake name. The footman announces is an we enter the ball.
"That was quick thinking," Peter remarks sounding impressed.
"I just switched the first letters of our names around, then did Gold because of Rumple," I say softly so no one can hear.
"Smart," he says simply. "Well this is fun," he then adds glancing around at all the dancers and guests
"I suppose," I say. 
"Callie come on," he begs. "Have a little fun. Please?"
He turns those brilliant green eyes to me, giving me the puppy dog look. I sigh heavily. "Alright," I give in. "I'll try to have fun,"
"Great!" He grins. "Then come dance with me,"
"What? No! Peter I can't dance!" I hiss at him as he drags me onto the floor.
"Don't worry," he says putting his hand on my lower back and pulling me in tight. My breath catches in my throat. Why does he make me so nervous? "Just follow my lead," he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine as the music for the next song starts. He waltzes me across the floor and soon enough I'm actually having fun.
"C'mon," I laugh after a particularly fast dance. "Let's take a break. That girl will probably be here soon,"
"Alright," he chuckles taking my hand and leading me away to a corner of the hall where we can observe but not be observed ourselves.
"Peter," I say carefully.
"Yes?" He asks.
"You never finished telling me about Neverland," I say, trying not to notice that his fingers are still entwined with mine.
"I didn't did I?" He muses. I shake my head. "There honestly isn't much to tell,"
"How come you left?" I ask.
"Because I had a promise to keep," he says softly.
"What pro-oh," I stop myself when I see the intent look in his eye.
"When I found you, or rather when you found me, and I saw that you were human and my age, I couldn't believe it," he says, and something in his tone shifts. It makes me nervous. "Callie I need to tell you something,"
"Wait," I say putting a hand on his chest to stop him from speaking. "Look," I say nodding towards the steps. A girl with blonde hair in a blue dress is elegantly descending the stairs. The whole room is quiet and watching her.
"It's her," he whispers and I nod. I suddenly remember why I'm here in the first place and wiggle my fingers in her direction. Now for the second part, I look around the hall and see the prince standing there his mouth gaping open. I roll my eyes and flick my hand in his direction and a look of clarity passes over him. He walks towards her and bows, she curtsies. I point at the orchestra and they start up another song, the prince and the girl start dancing.
"Well my job is done," I say with a grin turning back to Peter. "Now what did you want to tell me?"
"Oh," he says "nothing... It's nothing,"

WHOO UPDATE! Really short update but WHOO UPDATE! I have no excuses. Whatsoever. I am so sorry. But this has been gettin more attention lately (I have no idea why?) so I will try to be better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question: How did you find this story? I really wanna know where all this traffic is coming from

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