Chapter 157: You're Really a Nosy Person

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The phone call lasted for nearly an hour. During this period, Lin Ye had been guarding the door to keep people out. He couldn't hear what they were talking about on the phone, because Ifrit's voice was very small.

As much as Ifrit and Lin Ye wanted the call to last forever, the phone's battery eventually began to run out of battery.

When a pop-up appears to warn Ifrit of low battery, Ifrit reluctantly hands the phone back to Lin Ye. "Saria wants to talk to you."


"Dr. Lin,"  Saria's heated voice cuts him off before he could say anything more, "Did you forget what I told you?"

Lin Ye glances at Ifrit, "Well, yes, I did forget. In fact, I forgot everything. I only know that there's this helpless child bugging me and asking me to take her to see you, and since I don't know where you are, this is the best that I could do. By the way, you didn't say I couldn't let her call you."

"You are playing with words, Dr. Lin." Saria tensely replies, "What you did made things difficult for me. I thought I could trust you."

"But your kid really wants to see you." Lin Ye sighs, "You people are the ones making things difficult for me. Why is everyone coming to me when they have a problem? You, Silence, and Ifrit."

Saria falls silent for a moment.

"Fine.", she relents, continuing in a lighter tone "But I hope this is the last time."

"You don't want Ifrit to call you again?"

"Of course I want her to. If I could, I'd like to stay by her side, but now is not the time yet."


"Let's end it here then.", Saria says, "Although I don't like your approach, in the end, you're just trying to help her. I'm very grateful for that. That child doesn't have a lot of friends because of her personality, and she doesn't trust anyone. I hope that you can accompany her, while I am away. She's not a bad kid, just a little impatient."

"I understand." Lin Ye nods.

Before he hangs up, he suddenly remembers something,

"Um, Saria, do you remember the guest on the fourth floor?", Lin Ye says, "I met her. As you said, she isn't a bad person, just not very good at socializing with people, like Ifrit."

Saria chuckles, "It seems that I was right about you."

She asks, "Speaking of business, what are you doing in Lungmen?"

Lin Ye's eyebrows rise in surprise, "You don't know?"

"Ifrit didn't tell me much. Not that surprising really, Silence never shares anything in full detail."


Lin Ye then tells Saria the reason why they came to Lungmen.

After listening to Lin Ye, Saria falls silent for a moment.

When she speaks again, it's with a very serious tone, "I don't approve of this operation."

"Oh, what makes you say that?"

"It's because I've worked with Rhine Lab that I know what kind of people they are."

"But Silence doesn't seem to be worried."

"Silence never knows when to put her guard up, except in front of me."

There was a faint sadness in her voice when she said that.

"But it should be safe in Lungmen.", Saria thinks for a moment before adding, "Rhine Lab has already been disbanded. Whatever that's left of it is just a group of researchers. They shouldn't pose any threat. Even if they have ill intentions, there's not much they could do to Rhodes Island and Lungmen. By the way, who are your escorts?"

"I just know the captain is Ace."

"Ace?", Saria sounds relieved, "Things should be fine then, but that being said, I still hope you can look after Ifrit. Keep her away from the meeting, and don't let those people see her."

"I understand."

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else you want to tell Ifrit?", Lin Ye glances at Ifrit, who was eagerly waiting for her chance, "She still-"


Out of battery...

"It's dead." Lin Ye shows his phone to Ifrit.

"It's all your fault!", Ifrit whines, "Why'd you take so long?!"

He rolls his eyes in response.

He wants to say that this world's battery technology was pretty bad, but that would just sound weird to her.

Ifrit suddenly stops and lowers her head, as if afraid that Lin Ye would get mad at her. She mumbles, "I-I'm sorry."

Lin Ye tilts his head slightly.

"Uh, you're really nice," Ifrit says in a quiet voice.

Is she blushing?

"....T-Thank you."

Lin Ye can't help but feel the Ifrit right now is very cute. He pats her head in response.

He thought that Ifrit would enjoy it like Nightingale, so he's really surprised when Ifrit jumps back and glares at him.

"You, don't think you can take advantage of Lord Ifrit like that!"

Lin Ye's mouth twitches. He asks, "What, what did I do now?"

Ifrit doesn't know how to put her feelings into words. Instead, she just makes a face at him, "You still haven't let me see Saria yet!"

Then, she turns around and runs back to her room.

Seeing Ifrit like that, Lin Ye couldn't help but smile. He shakes his head and turns around to return to his room.

To his surprise, there's a woman staring at him.

"Doctor Lin Ye, you are really nosy."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy10

Proofread by Demosama & PanzerComrade56

Edit by Jaqqy10

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