Ch 15: There's No Time. Let's Go.

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When Lin Yie hands in his resignation letter, his boss is surprised and unwilling to let him go. His boss tried making him stay by raising his salary, but Lin Yie politely turns his offer down.

After realizing whatever he does won't change Lin Yie's mind, he sighs. He gives Lin Yie his salary and some gifts before letting Lin Yie go.

"So." Shining looks at the "gifts" in Lin Yie's hands, "That's the first time I see people giving pet food as gifts."

"Don't let their appearance fool you. These are the best cat and dog food from our hospital. They taste quite good" Lin Yie corrects her, "And there are more. Here are two hair creams and a conditioner for pets. Oh right, can I give this conditioner to your friend as my apology!"

"She will kill you." Shining says, "If you dare."

Lin Yie feels somewhat doubtful but believes her words. These are really expensive pet supplies. If he adds everything up, they would cost what he earns in a month. Turning down something this good, it is hard to understand what furries think.

(.... Wait maybe they used something that is even expensive than this!!! Are they rich?!!!)

The two of them chat for a while and soon they arrive at his apartment. If nothing happens, he is going to live in Rhodes Island, so he has to pack everything up. 

He has lived in Chernobog for two years but he didn't earn much and a good chunk of it was spent on the medical expenses for last night. He also doesn't know how much he will earn from Rhodes Island, so he has to save as much as possible. However, when he tries using his key on the door, he sees his neighbour's door is locked.

"If you are thinking about the twins, they should have gone to the government." Shining sees what he is thinking about and explains, 

"Chernobog's military police quelled all the riots last night and they sent all the Infected to the First Hospital, probably to quarantine them. Do you want to go check them out?"

Lin Yie thinks for a moment but he shakes his head, "Maybe not. Her brother and her parents should be there, so I don't have to go. Chernobog might not treat its Infected well, but at least, it is saving them."

Shining says softly, "Perhaps."

Despite the sense of discomfort, Lin Yie knows there is not much he can do for Elan. He hasn't even moved to his new home yet, not to mention Elan still has her family.

And so he steps inside.

Back to the apartment, he spent two years in. Lin Yie asks Shining what he should prepare.

"Nothing special really." She shakes her head but she remembers something, "Oh right, let me give this back."

Lin Yie turns around and sees the silver python in her hand.

"We picked it up after you collapsed yesterday."

"Thanks." Lin Yie puts the gun aside, "Too bad I am out of bullets. Does Rhodes Island have bullets for this kind of gun?"

The world he is in right now is very different from the one he is used to. Guns are not mainstream weapons here because most people can use something call Arts but he calls it magic. Not to mention a certain race's monopoly on guns. 


Even Chernobog's military police only have a few. Therefore, he hasn't been able to secure a source of bullets, which was why he only had three left. Otherwise, as a gun lover that he is (in his previous life), he would have kept a few boxes of ammunition at all times.

And now, his hope is on Rhodes Island, 

"I can pay. If needed of course"

Shining shakes her head, "Rhodes Island doesn't sell bullets."

"Is that so?" Lin Yie is disappointed. He doesn't want his gun to end up as a toy or a decoration.

"It is true. Even in Rhodes Island, there are very few operators that use guns." Shining says, "But you can ask Jessica for some. That should be fine."

"Jessica?" Lin Yin tries to remember that name for later.

"You can try using your gifts to trade with her." She points at the pile of pet supplies on Lin Yie's desk, "Going by the way you talk, she's a catgirl."


"And there is Exusiai. If you have the cash, you can buy from her but she might not sell you any. That girl and her guns"

"But you said Rhodes Island doesn't sell bullets."

"That's right, but she is not part of Rhodes Island."

Lin Yie blanks out but it is not really his fault for knowing so little about the game. Besides the main character Ami...yu?

Shining is the first one he met that is from Rhodes Island. It's Arknights's fault for not being in open beta after all those years even when he died. He might be the first transmigrator that doesn't know his game. There's really no point being a transmigrator then.

Still, Lin Yie is very grateful for his transmigration. After all, it lets him live again.

And so, he makes the effort to remember the names Jessica and Exusiai before packing things up. They seem important enough to remember.

A small suitcase is enough to contain the two years he lived in Chernobog and still has plenty of room. When he zips the suitcase, it almost feels surreal for him, as if the past two years were just a dream, like a bubble that pops when you poke it.

He shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts. Then, he gives the pet food to the stray cats and dogs in front of his apartment. These little rascals always came and he didn't the company.  He really is an animal lover.

Bt now, he's leaving.

When he first arrived in Chernobog, it was morning, and now when he leaves, it is sunset.

(How poetic... Nah)

"How do we get there?" Lin Yie asks Shining, who has been waiting quietly.

"As a traveller of course..." Shining says slowly.

Lin Yie is shocked, "Hey, Hey... Don't tell me we are going there on foot? How far is Rhodes Island?"

Shining glances at him before taking out a phone, "As a traveller, I can call for a ride."


(Is she doing on purpose or is she just like this..?)

"Luckily, there is a squad nearby that just finished a mission. We can go with them." Shining dials a number, "Is this Rangers?"

Half an hour later, a van stops in front of them.

The window next to the driver lowers,

 Revealing a horse face!

A real horse face!!

(What the hell!!!!)

"Hello," The horse speaks, "There's no time. Let's go."

No word can describe how Lin Yie feels right now. He can only think.

(Damn. Not only can a horse talk, but it can also drive.)

...He isn't the smartest person If you didn't already know by now.

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