Ch 144: A Conversation With Shining

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Skadi is gone again.

Lin Yie can't help but feel that unlike the other operators, Skadi is just a guest in Rhodes Island. She came quickly and left quickly.

He sighs softly and leans back in his chair, staring at his empty office.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

No one came.

If Terra were the world he came from, he would have played some mobile games to alleviate his boredom, but no, phones in Terra are just communications devices, nothing more.

That damn Ptilopsis is skipping work again.

Lin Yie checks the clock. He has two hours left before lunch break.

Well, I doubt anyone would come today.

He decides to take a walk outside.

But where should I go?

Lin Yie gives that some thought. In the end, he decides to visit Nightingale.

I'm just checking in with my patient. Nothing more.

After making an excuse for leaving his post, Lin Yie leaves for the medical department.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Ten minutes later, Lin Yie arrived at his destination.

After asking one of the staff about Nightingale's whereabouts, Lin Yie finds Nightingale working in the pharmaceutical sector, one of the core components of Rhodes Island.

But before he can go in, someone calls out to him.

"Lin Yie? Why are you here?"

Lin Yie turns around and sees Shining behind him.

"Uh," Lin Yie scratches his head, "I'm here to see Nightingale."

He can't just tell her he's skipping work, right?

"Really? Liz will definitely be happy to hear that."

Suddenly, Shining leans in to look at Lin Yie closely.

"What is it?" Lin Yie lowers his head and checks his clothes, "Anything wrong with my clothes?"

"No," Shining says, "You just give off a different feeling. You seem different."

"Uh," Lin Yie asks, "What's different about me?"

Shining suddenly reaches her hand out and squeezes his shoulder, gradually increasing the amount of force applied on his shoulder. When Lin Yie begins to feel pain, she releases him.

She looks at him with surprise, "Your body is tougher than before. How did that happen?"

Lin Yie pauses, "Really?"

Shining nods, "Compared to before, yes."

"Does that mean I'm strong now?"

"Power is relative," Shining says, "Who do you want to compare yourself with?"

"Um... how about Sarkaz?"

"You are not quite there yet," Shining says, but when she sees Lin Yie's disappointed look, she adds, "But you are stronger than the three years old."


"Why would you compare yourself with Sarkaz?" Shining shakes her head, "We know nothing besides fighting, and you have something invaluable yourself. There's no need to envy us. Anyway, can you tell me what happened? This much change is not natural."

Lin Yie hesitates for a moment, but in the end, he tells her what happened, because she's the first operator he met and the only one who believed him wholeheartedly during Nightingale's treatment.

Shining listens in silence until Lin Yie finishes explaining.

Lin Yie asks, "Do you have any questions?"

"Questions?" Shining shakes her head, "Not sure. I just think this is rather mysterious, especially the myth you mentioned."

"Have you heard about it?"

"Of course not. That sounds like a really ancient secret. My race probably wasn't there to witness it," Shining says, "The abyss is one of the most mysterious places. You probably won't find anyone who knows it well, maybe except Kal'tsit. If you are interested, you should ask her."


"As for the wave leaping strike," Shining says, "I've only heard about Skadi. Kal'tsit said she's one of the strongest in terms of fighting strength. If you managed to block one of her attacks, that alone is incredible."

"But she held back."

"Then, do you want to try again?" Shining says, "You just need someone who doesn't hold back to test your new ability, right?"

Lin Yie nods, but in the next second, he takes several steps back quickly. He glares at Shining, "You just want me to show it to you. I'm not dumb enough to do that."

Shining shrugs, "Did I say I would fight you myself?"

Lin Yie breathes a sigh of relief. She already killed him twice in the dream worlds. He doesn't want to be killed in the real world as well.

"You should look for Yato," Shining smiles softly, "She will probably be really surprised by your change."


Draft by Demosama

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