Ch 102: Nighttime Chat With Ansel

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After dinner and another hour of training with Yato, it's dawn already. Lin Yie can't help but feel he went back in time, reliving his arduous life in high school.

Ansel is not sleeping yet. When he hears the door open, he looks up briefly from his book, "You're half an hour earlier than usual. Did you slack off?"

"Of course not." Lin Yie hangs his sword on the wall, "I do my best every day to become a sword saint, alright."

Ansel chuckles, "Sure you are. And I'm a girl"

That I'm not too sure yet

Lin Yie asks, "What're you reading?"

"It's a medical book," Ansel says lightly, "I need to study even during my break."

Lin Yie gives him a thumbs-up, "I'm impressed. You really humbled me."

Ansel frowns. Lin Yie is obviously praising him, but he can't help but feel Lin Yie needs a beating. He slams his book shut and sets it aside, "I'm sleeping now."Lin Yie shakes his head helplessly. A little tease is enough to upset Ansel, not to mention it was Ansel who started the conversation. Still, teasing Ansel is one of his few entertainments here in Rhodes Island. Unfortunately, Ansel is a boy.

Lin Yie feels he's turning gay slowly.

Ansel suddenly asks, "Did you interview Ptilopsis today?"

"Yeah," Lin Yie asks, "You know her?"

"Of course, she's one of the medical staff," Ansel says, "But I have to say, you really know how to cause trouble for yourself."

Lin Yie steps out of the bathroom and asks, "What do you mean?"

Ansel didn't want to explain, but after some hesitation, he decides to tell Lin Yie, "Do you know Rhine Lab?"

"A little bit. That's where Silence and Ptilopsis worked, right?"

"Um. That's a crazy place," Ansel doesn't want to say too much, 

"Dr. Silence came from Rhine Lab. To this day, she still holds many ideals that conflict with most people's here in Rhodes Island, even though I believe we are all on the same side."

Lin Yie is still confused.

Ansel rolls his eyes. Does he have to make everything clear?

"In other words, even in Rhodes Island, there exist many factions, and they believe in different things," Ansel turns around on his bed to face Lin Yie, 

"You know Dr. Silence already, and you are taking care of Ifrit. Now you have Ptilopsis as your assistant. I hope..."

"You hope I'm still one of Rhodes Island's people?"

"You already are one of us. They are too."

Lin Yie smiles weakly, "I'm just a psychologist."

"Don't underestimate yourself," Ansel says, 

"Or rather, your ability. That's why I want you to use it properly, not... on some immoral experiments."

Lin Yie frowns, "You mean Silence asked Ptilopsis to..."

"That's not what I meant," Ansel cuts him off, "Dr. Silence and Ptilopsis are my colleagues. I'm just giving you some advice as to your roommate in a very ordinary chat."

Lin Yie nods.


Before Ansel turns off the lights, Lin Yie asks him about the factions in Rhodes Island.

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