Ch 170: Aftermath

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Ch'en wastes no time in leading her guards in to attack the terrorists.

As the two groups clash with each other, it soon becomes obvious that the LGD trumps the unorganized thugs, and Ch'en stood out the most amongst all. For reference, Lin Ye had to use the Wave Leaping Strike to stand a chance, but Ch'en, with her physical prowess alone, cuts down the terrorists one after another. All she leaves behind are trails of the blood and guts of her enemies.

Lin Ye does his best to blend in with the surroundings. Ch'en terrifies him too much.


"Who is that bitch?!"

"Mommy, save me!"

Terrified by Ch'en's awe-inspiring feats, the terrorists were subconsciously backing down.

"Bitch!", Swire grits her teeth and shouts at Ch'en, "What took you so long? Hurry up next time!"

"Shut up.", Ch'en glances at Swire in annoyance, "I'll deal with you later."

Suddenly, the terrorists stop fighting the LGD and kneel down together. While everyone stares at them in confusion, the terrorists begin desperately squeezing their own necks.


When one of the terrorists' masks falls off, everyone around him sees how much pain he was in, his face getting redder and redder.

Lin Ye suddenly realized what they were doing and shouts at Ch'en, "They're infected! They're going to blow themselves up!"

Ch'en and Swire's expressions change immediately.

"I order you to stop!" Ch'en shouts at the terrorists.

"Bitch, are you stupid?! Kill them!"

"Don't tell me what to do." Ch'en takes her handbag and opens it up, but instead of finding handcuffs or a pair of batons, she finds a set of high-end makeup products.

Ch'en throws the bag away in frustration and shouts at her guards, "Everyone, get out!"

Before Swire can yell at her for throwing the bag, Ch'en runs toward her and picks her up. When Ch'en sees Lin Ye still staring at the terrorists in a daze, she shouts, "What are you waiting for? Want me to pick you up as well?!"

It's not that Lin Ye didn't want to move. It's just that after using his ability, he was really exhausted. However, now wasn't the time to rest. He squeezes out the last bit of strength he had left to limp after Ch'en.




{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Lin Ye hops out of the exit before collapsing onto the ground in fatigue.

Ch'en slams the doors shut, blocking the heat from the explosions.

Lin Ye looks up and sees several riot control cars surrounding the door. From the group of guards outside, one woman, in particular, was walking up to Lin Ye's group. She's tall, really really tall, but besides her height, the most defining trait of hers was the lone horn on her forehead.


"I'll talk about what happened later. We need to treat the injured first." Ch'en cuts her off, "Hurry up and secure the parameter."

Seeing that everything is going back to normal, Lin Ye lets out a sigh of relief and lets his fatigue overtake him.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

"Are you awake?" Ch'en asks.

Lin Ye opens his eyes and turns to look at her. Right now, both of them were in the back of an emergency medical services car, with Ch'en glancing at him from the side.

"You've been out for ten minutes."

Lin Ye could feel a searing pain in his head and his body was very weak. While his mind slowly clears up, he asks, "How's everything?"

"We've already contacted your colleagues. They should be on their way here." Ch'en turns to the door, "Just sleep. We'll let you know when they arrive."

Lin Ye nods and lies back down.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

When Lin Ye next wakes up, Ch'en returns to debrief him, "I've heard everything from Swire. That thug called Walson, I was involved in the case that got him expelled from Lungmen. If I'd known he'd do something like this, later on, I'd have killed him right there."

At this moment, the tall green-haired woman Lin Ye saw before came over. "Dr. Lin. It's good to see you again. Ah, sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Hoshiguma."

Lin Ye shakes her hand, "Good to see you too, Madam Hoshiguma."

"There's no need for formality.", Hoshiguma smiles bitterly, "You did a better job than us today."

She sighs, "Uh, what should I do next? Ah, right, we should first thank you for what you've done, Dr. Lin."

Ch'en looks at Lin Ye, "Although I'm still very upset with a certain mistress, she is, after all, a member of the LGD. Anyway, you saved her. That's a debt that we owe you."

She rubs her forehead in frustration, "My mind is still a bit messed up. Never mind, I'll talk to you later."

"Ch'en, that's-"

Ch'en cuts Hoshiguma off, "Hoshi, we still have a job to do."

Lin Ye adds, "I don't mind. Madam Ch'en and I aren't strangers to each other, and I only protected myself. Saving Swire just coincided with my goal. Speaking of which, how is she?

"She's been sent to the hospital already.", Hosiguma says, "Her injuries were far worse than yours."

"I hope she's going to be alright."

"Don't worry, Swire's tough. Give her a few days, and she'll make a full recovery in no time."

"What about Master Walker?" Lin Ye asks.

"He and his team were attacked, with no survivors.", Hoshiguma holds her head and says, "This isn't a simple terrorist attack anymore. It's turned into a diplomatic incident."

At this, Ch'en, who'd been silent, suddenly said, "No, most of the victims came from Lungmen, not Ursus."

"I know what you mean, but..." Hoshiguma looks into the distance, "Dr. Lin, your colleagues are here."

Lin Ye turns his head to see ACE and his team standing just outside the cordon.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy10

Proofread by Demosama & PanzerComrade56

Edit by Jaqqy10

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