Ch 9: Conflict with the Infected

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Lin Ye doesn't like hospitals because he spent too much time in one. Before he died in his past life, he often got sick as a child. It can be said that part of what he smelled in his childhood was that of disinfectants.

Since then, doctors and nurses are no longer angels in Lin Ye's eyes but devils. Whenever the devils had a serious talk with his parents about his sickness, his father always looked sullen and chain-smoked, and his mother would be wiping tears off her face. Therefore, when Lin Ye steps into the hospital in Chernobog, he is reminded of his childhood trauma and it is getting more difficult for him to breathe by the second.

But, ironically enough, he is a doctor now (A vet is also a doctor, mind you. Fight me!). Fate sure loves playing tricks on its pawns. And this pawn isn't having fun right now.

Right now, Chernobog is seeing another riot by the Infected, but there are no military polices around this hospital, which is why the doctors left. The hospital is empty... At least, that is supposed to be the case.

In reality, when Lin Ye pushes open the door, he not only smells the familiar disinfectant but also sees the desperation and caution in the hospital's new inhabitants.

The corridor is full of people.

More accurately speaking, the corridor is full of the Infected.

He takes a deep breath.

He was right. There are more Infected besides Elan and the first thing on these Infected's minds is going to the hospital, even though they should know hospitals have no way to cure their infection. They are doomed to be disappointed.

Perhaps, they are already disappointed.

Lin Ye walks past the Infected slowly.

It is very hard to know whether someone is infected unless they take off their clothes. Therefore, these Infected don't know whether the guy dressed like a doctor belongs to the Infected or the uninfected. If he were uninfected, is he here to cure them or arrest them? If he were infected... if even a doctor is infected, is there any hope left for them?

No matter what they think, desperation hovers above them and refuses to go.

As the Infected observe Lin Ye, he is also observing them. Without a doubt, this is his first time coming into contact with so many Infected in one place. He can easily see the crystal formations on their bodies. If he were to slice them open, he would also see their organs are crystalized. When he thinks about that, he can feel a chill running down his spine but he pretends to be calm while searching for Elan in the crowd.

He thinks the girl is probably here.

And he's right. Soon, he sees a girl at the end of the corridor. She's curled up into a ball, burying her head into her knees. Her shoulders are trembling. Even though he can't see her face, Lin Ye knows that's Elan.

He quickly walks to her, "Elan."


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