Ch 38: Melantha

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Rhodes Island. 3A. Reception Room. 1:00 PM

Psychologist Intern Lin Yie sits behind the desk, he is also watching a certain devil nibble on her pineapple bun out of boredom. 

He is tapping on a piece of paper with his pen, leaving behind black dots, but not a single letter is on it because he doesn't know what to write on it, to begin with.

And there is nothing to write about because the only thing he has been doing today is watching Nightingale eat pineapple buns one after another. The two haven't spoken a word.

No. Nightingale has been ignoring him because Lin Yie coaxed her into drinking a cup of "pineapple syrup." Lin Yie can still recall her face after drinking her medicine, the look of disappointment. And the punishment for his betrayal is... the old cold-shoulder technique. She did follow him to the office, but she hasn't spoken a single word to him.

(What are you? A brat?)

Lin Yie complains in his heart.

He hasn't done anything like this since the third grade in elementary school, because he got his ass kicked whenever he tried giving people the cold-shoulder. He practically got the lesson beaten into him, so he thinks devils need a beating when they are disobedient.

However, he doesn't dare to say that. It is pretty obvious who will receive the beating in the end. 

Guess who? Let give you a clue... 

Who am I kidding? You already know who it will be. Why even bother... 

Anyway, this is his second day already, and there is nothing to do here. This is his second day of being a counsellor. 

He can't just write "On XX/XX/XX, I watched the devil eat her pineapple buns while eating with her" as his report, can he?

 Although he doesn't hate having nothing to do for his past time but it is not good when he is still being an intern. 

After all, this can affect his job offer in the future come. Even though he didn't come here for money, Lin Yie still has some expectations in mind. 

Still, compared to the days of waking up early and taking care of pets, having an easy job with good pay sounds way better to him.

Lin Yie spins his pen out of boredom, hoping for an actual patient to come.

He already gave up on the hope of seeing a good-looking furry girl. Anyone will do right now.

At this moment, the door is pushed open. He looks up and sees a pair of purple ears.

Following the purple ears, there are purple hair and purple eyes with a petite body.

Lin Yie is shocked.

(There is really a furry girl? Am I dreaming?)

(There is really a furry girl? Am I dreaming?)

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(Wait. Don't let you guard down Lin Yie!!! What about their gender!!? You can't trick me a second time.)

With Ansel as a lesson, Lin Yie has been pretty cautious about genders after that.


Lin Yie does his best to smile in front of the new patient. This is what he learned back in the pet hospital. His boss told him that the competition was too intense, and vets couldn't easily win over pet owners because pet owners couldn't tell if the vets actually knew what they were doing.

Therefore, in order to leave a good impression, he has to start with the minor details and to treat customers like his parents.

After years of training, Lin Yie can smile naturally and show off his teeth. 

The perfect professional smile!! He is proud of achieving this state of a smile.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Lin Yie asks.

The other party glances at him and says, "There's some yellow stuff on your teeth."

Lin Yie's smile freezes. He hurriedly takes out a small mirror and checks his teeth.

There are dark-yellow, sticky, gel-like substances on his teeth like XX.

He is stunned for a few seconds before realizing what they are.

(God Dammit! They are from Nightingale's pineapple buns! And they change colours?! Screw the cafeteria for making them like this!)

Lin Yie clenches his teeth. He is so embarrassed. After all, his image is ruined.

(Please, let me explain!!)He prays to any deity to save his poor soul...

Lin Yie looks up to his visitor, and he realizes the other party is not looking at him, but at Nightingale. 

He can see some colours on her teeth.

(Oh. Nightingale's mouth is also yellow. Well, I guess I don't have to explain myself. Thank God!!! My image is saved!!)

Lin Yie is relieved. Suddenly, the little devil looks quite cute now if he is being honest. Like how a child eating food kind of cute.

"How's Nightingale?" The other party suddenly asks him.

"Uh. She's fine." Lin Yie says, 

"They say she's getting better every day."

The other party looks at him with their purple pupils, "Can she go on the battlefield with her state now?"

Lin Yie pauses.

"Care to repeat what you said. And if possible, can you tell who you are first?"

"My apologies. I haven't introduced myself yet." The other party walks to him and reaches their hand out. 

Lin Yie notices their other hand is still gripping a sword handle tightly like she would pull it out at any time. "I am Melantha, from Victoria. Now, I am the squad leader of the A4 reserve squad. Nice to be meet you, Dr Lin "

Lin Yie stands up and shakes their hand. He notices the other party is shorter than him, but he thinks their height is cute. 

Unlike Ansel, their eyes are filled with murderous intent, ready to attack at any moment notice. Any normal person would be scared of looking at them...

But our Lord and saviour is not a normal person...

Lin Yie sees their skirt with black stockings. He feels relieved.


He has his priority in mind.

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