Ch 165: I'll Give You Whatever You want

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What's happening?

He came here to watch some boring show with a certain senior superintendent of the LGD, but somehow, he finds himself being attacked in Lungmen again.

Was it his fault?

No idea.

What he does know is that the attackers were here for Swire.

"Beatrice Swire, long time no see~", a man in a black suit smiled as he ambled towards Swire.

Beatrice Swire... That's her full name?

Lin Ye stares at the two. It seems they have forgotten about him.

"Walson?", Swire growls through clenched teeth, "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?", the man's smiling visage suddenly turns vicious, "Why, for you of course.", he waves his hand at the men behind him, "Kill her!"

The two masked men with flaming swords roar and charge towards Lin Ye and Swire. Lin Ye hurriedly wraps his arms protectively around Swire before hurling both of them out of the room and down to the first floor.

Landing on the ground with a thud, Lin Ye grunts as the impact bounces Swire out of his arms.

Quickly scrambling over to her, Lin Ye dragged her into the shadows of the seats, before examining her condition.

Pulling out the knife, Lin Ye found that it had cut deep, the wound only exacerbated by the rough landing, staining the area around her stomach crimson, her face scrunched up in pain, but Lin Ye didn't have time to apologize.

Those two masked men were coming for them, and their only hope of survival was to use the chaotic situation and blend in with the crowd. Perhaps, they could even escape that way. 

Lin Ye looks at the groaning tigress in his arms. Her face had already turned slightly pale from the blood loss. If it was just him, he wouldn't even be able to stand a chance against those guys, let alone while having to take care of Swire at the same time.

"I-it hurts."

Lin Ye sees that the dark red area was slowly growing, and some of her minor wounds had re-opened.

"Ssshh, be quiet." 

He holds her close and scans his surroundings.

He could see two masked men already, they weren't far away, but rather than searching for Lin Ye and Swire, they were indiscriminately killing the rest of the theatre-goers. Perhaps thinking that Lin Ye and Swire had hidden within the crowd.

Lin Ye rubs Swire's arms reassuringly, "They're gone. I think it should be safe to hide here."

Swire winces, but despite the pain, she looks up to meet his eyes.

"Why are you so calm?", she mumbles.


"That bitch said you're just an ordinary doctor.", Swire voices the question that's been in her mind all this time, "Shouldn't you be scared in situations like this?"


Indeed, it was far too unusual for a doctor to be so calm in this kind of situation.

If Lin Ye were a seasoned warrior, his actions wouldn't have surprised her, but the problem is, he wasn't, and when he tried reassuring her, Swire almost thought that he was the police officer instead.

Lin Ye had the same question as well, now that she brought it up. To be honest, he wasn't scared. If anything, he was just a bit surprised by the attack, and he had immediately known what he should do next.

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