Ch 177: No One Else Can Pull This Sword Out...

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"Alright. Alright.", seeing the conversation suddenly turn serious, Hoshiguma claps her hands and tries to change the topic, "Swire already did her best."

"Really? That's the best she could do?" Ch'en glances at her.

Hoshiguma sighs helplessly.

"Do you know why this happened?" Ch'en asks Swire.


"You are the senior superintendent of the LGD! What you have in your backpack are lipsticks and makeup!", Ch'en kindly answers the question for Swire.

Swire glares at Ch'en, but there's nothing she can say.

"Ch'en, you took the wrong bag when you left to catch a thief."

"Hosiguma!" Ch'en wheels around to yell at Hoshiguma, "What are you talking about?! Didn't you promise not to mention this?!"

Swire bursts out laughing as if she's vindicated.

"Officer Ch'en, Officer Ch'en.", Swire rubs her eyes, which are tearing from the joy, "It's all because you took my bag!

"How is that important?" Chen narrows her eyes.

Swire grins, "I can catch thieves even without my own bag because I've never used a weapon to catch a thief."

And then the two start arguing about weapons.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Lin Ye has been watching the two ladies bickering on and on. If he remembers correctly, he came here to make a statement, right?

He glances at the clock. Almost one hour has passed now, and he hasn't done anything. He sighs.

It seems today was going to be wasted as well.

And so, Lin Ye takes his phone out and sends a text message to Ace, telling him that he would be back later today so that they wouldn't have to worry about him.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

After who knows how long, the bickering finally starts to wind down.

The smug expressions on both party's faces showing who they think won.

Hoshiguma rubs her temples helplessly. She takes a pen and a notebook out, and asks Lin Ye and Swire, "Which one of you is going to start first?"

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

After spending 40 minutes on recording their own versions of the story, Hoshiguma puts her pen down.

Ch'en says, "Obviously, the Reunion Movement prepared a lot for the terrorist attack."

Swire rolls her eyes, "Isn't that obvious? If they didn't, how would I have been hurt this badly?"

Now it's Chen's turn to roll her eyes, "They didn't prepare for you. Don't overestimate yourself."


Hoshiguma sighs helplessly. She taps her notebook with her pen, "Hold your horses. We still have work to do."

Ch'en says, "Reunion obviously didn't weren't there for Swire. They were there for Master Walker.", she looks at Swire, "Cat, based on what you said, you originally wanted to give both tickets to Dr. Lin. You didn't plan on going yourself, right?"

Swire nods, "You can put it that way."

Hoshiguma stares at Swire in surprise, "I thought you loved Master John Walker?"

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