Ch 31: Even A Devil Needs to Take Her Medicine (Part 1)

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Rhodes Island. 8:32 AM. 3A Reception Room.

It is a sunny day, and the sunlight is pouring through the window wall.

Orchid is taking sips of her red tea and reading a magazine next to the window, but her mind is elsewhere. She keeps checking the time on her watch. Today is the first day of a certain psychologist, but he is already half an hour late. 

For someone who is always punctual, she is quite dissatisfied, although he did really well the other day. Nevertheless, she wants to teach him the importance of time as his senior.

(What's the point of being a writer if he has no sense of time?)

But then she feels that something is off. She is no longer the editor of some magazine, so there is no need for her to press writers for drafts.

So she should phrase it differently.

(Shouldn't doctors have a better sense of time than writers?!)

Yes, that better

The door opens at this moment, and she lowers her head immediately to pretend to be reading her magazine. Then, she says slowly, "You are already late on the first day. That's not good, right?"

(Um. That's the right way to make the other feel ashamed, right?)

As expected, the other party apologizes, "I am sorry. I had to take care of some things, so I am a bit late."

"As a doctor," Orchid closes her book slowly and looks up, "What could make you... uh, why is  Nightingale here?"

Orchid is stunned.

Besides the embarrassed Lin Yie stands Nightingale, who is clutching his sleeve with one hand and nibbling on a pineapple bun with the other.

"H-Hahaha, you see... What a funny story..."


Lin Yie starts to think Rhodes Island and him are not compatible at all. 

Since the day he arrived here, he hasn't encountered any good things. He thought solving Nightingale's problem would make the rest of his work and life easier.

But he was wrong.

Oh, how wrong he was... He was a naive boy...

Because today is his first day, Lin Yie decided to rest well last night and face his job properly as Rhodes Island's psychologist (intern). 

From being a vet to a psychologist, there are very few people capable of doing such a feat this, so Lin Yie feels very proud of himself. And when he thinks about interacting with good-looking furry girls in the future, he can't help but feel excited.

And that excitement made it difficult for him to fall asleep.

And that difficulty turned into an impossibility.

Because Ansel started grinding his teeth again.

God knows why rabbits love grinding their teeth and doing it every night. 

Won't they grind their teeth into nothingness? And he doesn't understand how Ansel manages to grind his teeth rhythmically. Is this the so-called "practice makes perfect" thing he has heard of?

That's why he doesn't feel well right now.

Still, he wouldn't be late only because of that.

 After all, when he was Chernobog, he didn't always rest well, so he has become accustomed to sleepiness. If it weren't for the phone call from the medical room, he would have gotten here at 7:30 and greeted Orchid with a "Good morning." and a bright smile on his face with some eyes bag. But that better than being late

But the first thing he heard from that phone call was "Dr Lin. Nightingale lost control," so he left for Nightingale's dorm immediately.

When he arrived, Shining left for her dorm, probably because she stayed with Nightingale for the entire night with her. 

However, when Shining left, Nightingale immediately resisted the other operators and attacked them. If it were like in the past, they would have forced her to take medication to "calm" her down, but Shining made it clear that they shouldn't use psychotropic drugs on her, so they had no idea what to do.

Fortunately, Shining left them with a new "drug," a slip of paper with a phone number on it.

"If you don't know what to do, just call this number." Shining told them before leaving. She had already stayed with Nightingale for two nights without closing her eyes, so the other medical staff insisted that she go back and rest, even though Sarkaz has higher endurance than the other races. Then, they dial the number.

and of course, it is Lin Yie's phone number.

When Nightingale saw him, she immediately calmed down.

The medical staff were shocked, "Dr Lin, you are more effective than XX drug!"

"That's right! You're like a walking XX drug!!"

(Did, I turn to form a Psychologist to a mere drug!!??)

So, that's how the walking XX drug brought the devil to the reception room, with pineapple buns to appease her because she is hungry.

"Why did you bring Nightingale here?" Orchid stands up from her chair.

Nightingale looks at Orchid after hearing the latter. She seems to panic and hides behind Lin Yie. Orchid is shocked: Nightingale only hides instead of attacking Orchid, even though her attack would not pose much of a threat.

(She seems quite comfortable with his presence)

"She is why I am late." Lin Yie sighs, 

"The other medical staff noticed she calms down when I am around her, so they made me bring her along, stay in a new environment for a day, and observe her reactions..."

Orchid frowns, "Nonsense. Nightingale only got better recently. If they want to conduct an experiment, it should be at a later date."

"... It is what they decided. And they gave me a task and said it is my first responsibility of a member of Rhodes Island."

"Task? What task?"

Lin Yie sighs and takes a medicine bottle out. He looks at it like this was all of its faults for all what has happened to him now...

(You... I hate you)

"Feed her medicine."

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