Ch 55: What Are You People Doing In Front Of My Room?

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Lin Yie starts to doubt his ears right now. He covers the speaker while checking the number Kal'tsit gave him.

(They are the same number so why!?)

He is starting to question the intelligent of Rhodes Island

(Did Kal'tsit expect him to call a delivery company to save him?!)

"Did those two got away?"

"No, not that quick. They should still be on this floor."

"Then move faster. The Lungmen Guard Department will come soon enough. Leave a few behind to find those two brats. The others come with me!"

From the sounds of heavy footsteps, Lin Yie can tell most of the intruders are going downstairs, but there are still some left behind for Nightingale and him. 


He is just a psychologist! Why does he have to face this?! 

He hides Nightingale under a desk and looks at the phone again. Kal'tsit should be reliable, so Lin Yie decides to give the number another try. After all, he doesn't have the others' numbers, but why didn't Kal'tsit give him her number?

The energetic voice continues, "In order to celebrate Penguin Logistics's XX anniversary, we decided to give new and old customers a 12% discount. If you use..., you can get a rice cooker."

(You got to be kidding now...) Lin Yie passes the phone to Nightingale.

But then, the voice from the phone asks, "Ha? Customer support agent? What agent?"

"There's blood here!" An intruder discovered Lin Yie's blood and found Lin Yie, "Kill them both!" Lin Yie pulls Nightingale out of the desk and shoots one of the intruders. The person on the phone asks, "Did I hear it right? I heard a gunshot." She asks again, "What are you doing there? Target practice?"

"Target practice my ass!" Lin Yie yells at the phone, "Who the f*ck are you!?"

"This is Penguin Logistics, but didn't you call this number? Now you ask who we are. What a weird customer."

"That guy has a gun! Use your bows! Fire!" Lin Yie hears the bowstrings getting drawn, so he doesn't have time to argue. He shouts.

"I am Lin Yie! I am from Rhodes Island! Kal'tsit gave this number to me! I am currently in XX building 23F! A bunch of lunatics are chasing me right now! Help me call the police or Rhodes Island! And stop advertising your discount or that damn refrigerator right now!"

"We give out rice cookers."The voice corrects him. 

Then that voice suddenly sounds excited, "Wait, you are getting attacked? Really?" Lin Yie lowers himself to avoid the arrows.

"Do you need a f*cking picture for proof, Huh?! Oh god!!"  he bearly dodges another stray arrow as Lin Yie shouts, "I don't care who you are. Help us!!!"

"Okay, Okay. I will write down your order. We Penguin Logistics value efficiency the most." She says, "Based on your current situation, I recommend package one. It's a bit expensive, but it suits you the most."

Did Kal'tsit play him like a fool?! She gave him a lunatic's number!?

"If you don't say anything, I will choose the package one by default. Okay. Please don't hang up." She says, "In 23 minutes, your package will arrive."

"Are you f*cking crazy?!" Lin Yie curses,

\"I told you to call the police or Rhodes Island! I am getting chased right now! F*ck your package!"

"Relax." She says, "We are professionals. Expect your package in 23 minutes."

Then the call ends, but Lin Yie doesn't even have the time to curse because the attackers caught up with them. He pushes Nightingale aside and shoots twice without aiming. 

However, the attackers know he has a gun, so he missed. Instead, an attacker takes the chance to slash at him. Lin Yie manages to dodge the fatal blow, but his chest is still left with a deep gash on it.


"Pineapple Bun...!"

Nightingale clutches her staff on the floor. She tries to do something, but her past starts flashing in front of her eyes. She can only watch.

In the end, she can't even hold her staff properly anymore. Lin Yie staggers backwards because of pain.

(F*ck. That hurts!) Lin Yie grits his teeth in pain. He looks in front of him.

Now, there are seven or eight attackers in front of him. When they see Lin Yie is disabled, they didn't hurry to finish him off. SO that means that they want something from him.

"Where is that person?" An attacker points a knife at Lin Yie, "Tell me and I will let you go."

Lin Yie clenches his teeth, "What are you talking about?!"

"Tsk. Do you even know you are just a pawn for Lungmen?" The attacker shakes his head and raises his knife, "Then, you can just..."

The door between Lin Yie and the attacker opens.


A devil wearing headphones steps out of the room in slippers. Bopping her head enjoying her music.

"Um?" She sees Lin Yie and the attackers and pauses. Lin Yie is looking at her. The attackers are also looking at her. She looks at the two groups. Surprise changes to confusion on her face.

She takes the headphones off from her head.

Ifrit is confused, but she is also getting cautious, "What are you people doing in front of my room? And what happened to you?"

(... And then another lunatic came...)

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