20. Zeke

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Damn it.

Just what I fucking needed.

"Finish them off and get the hell out" I ordered through the ear piece "yes boss" were the replies of my men as I find still hear gun fire echoing all brought the warehouse. Groans and howls of pain could be heard amidst the gunfire.

I scanned the building and clenched my jaw when I saw the man I never wanted to again standing on the second floor looking down at the dead bodies of his allies.

"Z?" Tony called and I looked towards him, "what are you planning?"

"I'm going to get rid of him once and for all" I replied not taking my eyes off of my father,who as if sensing my gaze, turned his gaze in my direction. I didn't need to be near him to know he was enjoying this and the the was smirking like the bastard that he is.  "He's the reason why Kai and Caden are in danger right now"

"I'm not letting you go on this suicide mission alone, Zeke" he stated and I glanced at him to see him glaring daggers in my father's direction, "he's caused everyone enough pain that it's time that he gets a taste of his own medicine"

The sound of clapping stopped the gun fire in the warehouse and everyone looked towards the sound, Tony and I walked out of our hiding place and looked towards my father. It's been years since I last saw him and I had prayed that I'd never see him again he but that went hell. He didn't look as presentable as he had back when I took ver the gang at 17. His once impeccable black hair was now gray and was even falling in some places. His gray breaded was overgrown nearly covering his mouth. He no longer wrote designer suits and instead now wore stained shirts with ripped pants and battered shoes. It was as a shock to see that he gone let himself go and now sorted a very big belly .

"Is that...is that really Royce?" Tony asked just as confused and shocked as I was upon seeing my father's appearance for the first time in years.

"Believe it or not, yes" I said watching as he approached,

"Did you like your surprise sonny boy?" He asked the ever cocky fucker he was but I only smirked

"You took us by surprise I'll give you credit, Royce, but it looks like the tables have turned, hasn't it?" I said extending my arm towards the dead bodies of his allies. Some were struggling to get to their feet, "I'm actually surprised you thought of this"

"I had to get you out of the house somehow didn't I? Considering Rick's allies want that husband of yours," he replied

"And you really think that by you ambushing us that they'd get him? You're dumber than I thought you were" I replied making him glare and I smiled, "you do realize that I brought a third of my men with me don't you? Meaning that within the next couple minutes I'd be getting a call from one of the men that stayed behind" and no sooner had I finished did my phone begin to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at the screen and saw John's name flash on the screen.

"Boss" he greeted

"Any casualties?"

I looked at my father to see he was smiling but I was going to get the last laugh.

"None on our side. We were able to stop the ambush the moment we heard the explosion. They didn't think we were here. They were taken by surprise when they saw us waiting for them at the front gates"  he replied and Royce's smile dropped at that since I had my phone on speaker allowing him to listen to the conversation, "Donna Kai and Master Caden along with Miss Carline and Mister River have all been taken into safety,"

"We'll be on our way once I finish taking care of everything on my end" I said

"Got it, Boss" he ended the call then and I tucked my phone in my pocket, "As you can see, none of my guys were injured or killed during the surprise ambush Rick's buddies did but I can't really ay the same for them seeing as they weren't smart enough to know that the house is never unprotected specially now when I knew something like this would happen."

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