29. Kai

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"He's going to kill her isn't he," Mom said the moment Zeke leaked out of the office. I looked her way to see her standing by the window—the same one she's been standing at since Zeke told us about what happened with Valery.

"I don't know, Mom" I replied honestly and she nodded but I could tell she was upset with the possibility of her sister dying. I would be too if I were in her shoes but at the same time, I wouldn't feel sorry for Valery. After all, she made her bed and it's her time to lay on it. She knew what she was doing and yet she didn't give two shits about the consequences of her actions, especially on my mom. Valery hated my mother to the point of impersonating her and getting her sent to jail.

"Let's not talk about Valery," John said from his place by the fireplace and we all agreed because the last thing any of us wanted to do was think about what Valery's fate was going to be now that Zeke has her. I sighed and ran my forefinger along Ash's cheek as he slept. It's been a crazy few months since he was born and it still amazes me just how much he has changed since the day he came into the world.

"Does he have Zeke's last name?" Mom asked making me look towards her and I nodded, "he looks so much like Zeke it's crazy to think that he's not his father,"

"Everyone thinks the same," I said and she smiled, "Zeke loves him just as much"

"It's no surprise," Dad said

"It was quite a surprise really," John said making me furrow my brows, "I mean when we first got here, it was surprising to see this tough-looking dude with a bunch of tattoos who's the leader of a gang be gentle and carefree around you and Ashton"

"It's understandable," I agreed, "whenever Zeke and I go into town to buy whatever, people automatically step away or will whisper among themselves while looking at him."

I still remember the day that Zeke and I had gone to a water park when Ashton was only a few weeks old and there was this lady who was talking about him. I was angry that she would talk about him and yet he said nothing to her. I was frustrated with him and had wanted to go and confront her—which I did when Zeke wasn't around—but Zeke said there was no reason to try to change the minds of people who only see you as what you are even if they are right.

"Doesn't it bother you though?" I had asked and he shook his head with a smile as he carried Ashton in one hand and held mine with the other

"I've grown used to people talking about me behind my back that it does nothing other than amuse me. They criticize every person whether they have tattoos or not. They bring their Bibles into every argument when it comes to homosexuality, Kai" he replied with a shrug, "there's no reason to try to change their views even if they hurt. It's how people are programmed to be."

I didn't say anything to that instead nodded because he was right. People will criticize you for everything from the color of your skin to your sexuality regardless of what you tell them. It's how we're programmed which I think it's stupid because no person should be ashamed of who they are or what they do for a living.

"You know, you shouldn't talk about people when they're present," I told the woman that we had encountered in the morning when we had arrived at the park, "My husband may be covered in tattoos but he's far from what you said. He's a caring, loving, and a gentle man that only looks out for the well-being of our son and mine. Don't be a bad influence on your children, for they may turn out exactly as what you called him."

I walked away without hearing what she had to say. Zeke had asked me where I had gone and I lied telling him I had to use the restroom. I think he saw through it but said nothing as we made our way to the car to head back to the den.

"Kai?" I blinked and looked up to see my parents and brothers looking at me,

"Yeah?" I asked

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