39. Kai

742 52 4

June 14,2020

The past few weeks had gone in a blink of an eye and today, Zeke and I—after many weeks of planning both the gender reveal and Ashton's birthday party—are finally going to reveal to our family and friends what we were having and I couldn't wait to see their reactions.

"Alright, Ariel and Kylie have finished setting up the yard for the reveal," Zeke said as he walked into Ashton room where I had been getting him ready for the day and I nodded.

"Dada!" Ashton squealed clapping his hands when he heard and saw his father making Zeke smile and walk in before picking him up.

"Were you good for your mama?" He asked and Ashton nodded his head with a toothy grin making Zeke chuckle and press a kiss to his temple, "Ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded as he helped me stand up from bed before we both out of the room. Zeke and I had gone to the mall and gotten a few more things for the baby with Ashton picking out the cutest bunny saying 'Baby' over and over so we got it for the baby. Mom and I had already gone to the store to get a few things but because she didn't know the baby's gender, she couldn't buy any clothes for them. But I know that as soon as she knows she'll be getting in her car and driving to the mall and buying the clothes that she has her eyes on since I told them we were expecting. That woman was crazy.

James had even told me that's how she had been when Jackie announced she was pregnant with their two year old son, Julian.

"Do you know when Caden and Tony are getting in?" I asked as we walked towards the yard where I could already see my parents, brothers and in-laws.

I was left speechless as we stepped onto the yard. In a corner there was a gorgeous modern panel backdrop with custom acrylic signage that had the words BABY ROBERTSON in gold lettering.

On the other end of the yard was a chic lounge featuring coordinating pink and green seating with matching end tables.  There were also modern wire lanterns and chandeliers along with glam pink rose centerpieces. It was literally everything that I had hoped for and I was absolutely mind blown.

"Kai," I looked towards my mom to see her walking towards us with my dad trailing behind, "Sweetie this is beautiful,"

I smiled and retuned the hug she gave me before hugging my dad, "Thank you, it took Zeke and I weeks to prepare with a planner and I'm so glad that we actually hired one," I chuckled making her smile.

"Have you thought of names yet?" She asked and I nodded, "We have but we're going to wait until the baby's here to officially name them."

"That's understandable ," Dad said with a nod, "Are you planning on going with the same first letter like Ashton or are you planning on changing it?"

"We haven't really thought of that," Zeke said as he looked down at me, "We'll figure that one out once the Baby's here,"

We mingled with everyone after that with everyone all taking guesses on what the sex would be. Halfway through the chatter, Tony and Caden arrived but my eyes zoomed onto the car seat Tony was holding.

"Zeke," I whispered as I hit him in the stomach making him hiss and look down at me, but I just pointed towards his brother and Tony.

Caden and Tony stood at the other end with worried expressions as they took in the decorated yard. The ayes fell silent then, all eyes on them. I heard Caroline whispering how it was disrespectful of them showing up with a baby—if it was a baby—to a gender reveal party but I ignored her and walked over to them.

"Sorry," Was the first thing Caden said when I reached them but I shook my head with a smile, "we didn't know you were having a gender reveal party."

"There's no need to apologize, Caden." I said as I turned to the car seat, "Is that what I think?"

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