24. Zeke

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After what felt like hours, Dolores finally confessed to what she's been doing for the past several weeks.

"Devin has been coming to me with information in regards of The Snakes," she said making me clench my jaw at the mention of her brother's name.

"And what could he possibly have to say about his own gang?" I asked making her look up before her gaze shifted back to the table, "and why have you not mentioned any of it to either Lorenzo or I?"

"Because I didn't want to believe him," she murmured, making me look at Lorenzo who frowned as he looked at her, "not after what he did to the gang a few years ago,"

I clenched my jaw at the remainder of his disloyalty. Devin Lockwood, was at one point in time part of Ravance alongside Dolores, he was one of the best next to Lorenzo at long distance shooting and the best sniper in the gang. He sided with The Snakes a little over six years ago during a shootout between us.

"What did he say?" Lorenzo asked making her jump at the sound of his voice, "what did he tell you, Dolores."

"He said that his leader, Robert, is planning on attacking the gang within the next two days and during said attack that he'll take Kai and Ashton and force Kai into baring his children in order to have an heir to The Snakes."

"And why should we possibly believe anything he has has to say? It could all be trap and we'd be falling right into it like flies" I stated and she shook her head.

"I said the same thing but he promised that it was true, he swore on our parents graves," she whispered, her voice cracking and tears began rolling down her cheeks, "you know how sacred that is, Boss, you know it's true when one swears on their loved ones grave."

I looked at Lorenzo and he looked ready to go and pull her into his arms and cradle her against him but he refrained himself, "yet many end up lying in order to get a free pass from death" he said instead making her look up at him, "I've had many comrades swear on the graves of their loved ones only to betray me in the end. I learned to not trust such oaths."

"Nor I,"I agreed as she looked at me with tears streaming down her face, "let's say that he's telling the truth, why go against his own gang by relaying information to the enemy?"

"Because he's afraid, not for himself because he knows what The Snakes' leader will do to him if they learned of what he's been doing and he's ready to assume such consequences," her voice cracked as she began to sob. She didn't say anything for a long time and all Lorenzo and I could do was watch as she cried for her brother, a brother that betrayed his own oath to the gang six years ago by siding with The Snakes, the same gang that is now coming after my husband and son as if they were nothing more than pawns.

"De-Devin is afraid for his lover," I looked down at Dolores when she spoke again once she had calmed down, "Devin is in a secret relationship with Robert's brother."

"What does that have anything to do with Devin coming to you and giving you information about Robert's plans?"

"Robert condones homosexuality and he will kill anyone who is homosexual and that includes killing his own brother if he has to,"she said.

"And yet he wants to take Kai and force him to bare his children, how ironic is it not?" I asked making her look up her eyes red rimmed and face streaked with tears that had dried, "if hates homosexuals why even bother attacking my gang when he knows Kai is a male?"

"That's the thing, Boss, Devin said that Robert believes Kai to be a female, anyone who doesn't know him would believe that with the way he dresses and how he looks. Kai isn't your typical male," she said making me raise a brow daring her to say anything negative about Kai as she had in the past and she quickly apologized saying she didn't mean to offend him in anyway.

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