Chapter 33

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Ayden, Jesse, and Jonah stood there looking back and forth at each other.  As if they were secretly communicating trying to get their stories straight.  

"Times up.  Start talking or leave."  Aubree said getting more aggravated  by the second.

"Don't waste our time with anything but the truth."  I chimed in.

"First off, we can't tell you everything.  You are going to have to trust us."  Ayden said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, that's not going to be easy to do."  Aubree shot back.

"Here we have been sitting around worried about you because you have been working so much the past week.  We thought we would bring you guys a hot meal.  Only thing is, you weren't working at all."  Kaylee stated with annoyance clear in her voice.

"We have been working until 6:00 every night."  Jonah said trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah, and hanging out with all those losers the rest of the time."  Kaylee shot back.

"What in the hell are you doing hanging around them?  Whatever it is, its not good.  I for one won't wait around for you to get hurt... or worse."  Aubree said with her voice cracking at the end.

"It's not what you think.  It's different this time. I promise it's not what you are thinking."  Jesse spoke as he kneeled down in front of Aubree.  

"This time?  Someone better start explaining what's going on.  I'm in the dark here."  I was lost to what they were talking about.

"The guys they were talking to at that house committed some crimes a couple of years ago.  Those guys tried to frame our guys.  They almost went to jail.  And now they are hanging around them again."  Aubree explained looking worried.

"Are you that dumb, or is there a good damn reason you are willingly putting us through this again?"  Kaylee asked point blank.

"We didn't ask to hang out with them. Cameron isn't someone you can just say no too. We had that party so there would be plenty of witnesses when we did meet up."  Jonah explained placing his hands and Kaylee's shoulders.

"Surely you can see why we didn't tell you. We knew you would insist on being there and we wanted you as far from them as possible." Jesse chimed in. 

"Little did we know you would show up anyway." Ayden huffed. 

"Who knew it was a crime to bring dinner to the people we love on a Friday night," Aubree shot back.

"Who we felt sorry for because we were led to believe they were working so much." I added.

"What did he want?" Aubree asked point blank.

"You are just going to have to trust that it's handled." Ayden said.

"I'm going to need the reason.  I trust you, Ayden.  But, this is not fair to ask us to sit in the dark.  If I'm going to be with you, I want to be with you one hundred and ten percent.  I want to be there for you in the same ways that you are there for me.  With me it's all or nothing. Bottom line."

"Can we talk somewhere in private?"  Ayden asked.  We walked out on Nate's back patio. "The less you know, the better.  It's not that I don't trust you to keep this secret.  If other people found out that you knew this secret, it could be dangerous.  I'm doing everything I can to protect you."

"Don't give me that bullshit.  I don't know those people and they don't know me.  I've never done anything to them.  I just need to know why my boyfriend has obviously put himself in danger."

"Word going around is that those guys are looking for pay back against us. Someone is giving them information about us.  Like where my truck was going to be parked so they could slash my tires.  We had shit tore up at a couple of jobsites that we had to redo making us miss the deadline. Just pain in the ass shit."

"Why couldn't you just tell us that?  That's not all is it?" I realized after studying his face.

"This is nothing you need to worry about.  We are handling it."  Ayden said unable to keep eye contact.

"Spill it, or I'll find out on my own.  You're choice."  I said crossing my arms.

"Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?  Please, just trust me."

"Ayden, I do trust you.  If you are trying so hard to keep us safe, then tell us what's going on, so we know what to watch for."

"I don't want you to go looking for trouble."  He said shaking his head.

"I won't.  I will just be better prepared to handle myself.  My mom feels comfortable leaving me home alone days at a time because she has stuck me in every self-defense class ever offered in every place we have ever lived. I have always finished top of my class." I explained.  "I need you to trust me as much as I trust you."

"You're right.  There has been a threat made against Aubree.  Brayden warned us.  That is why we are hanging around our old circle.  We had the party, so we had the best chance of having the upper hand."  He stared at my face looking for fear.

"Thank you for telling me, are you sure you can trust Brayden?"  I asked.  Something in my stomach felt off. I didn't like this at all.

"As much as I would like to smash his face in for being in love with you, it gives me comfort knowing he is looking out for you.  I know he would feed me to the wolves first chance he got, but he's not going to let any harm come to you."  He said kissing my forehead.  

All I could do was nod my head.  I hoped we could trust Brayden.  The memories of the night Brayden tried kissing me flashed through my head.  I couldn't hold as much faith in him protecting me as Ayden did.  

"Are you going to tell Aubree?"  I asked as he wrapped me up in his arms.

"I guess.  As bad as I hate to worry her, you are right about telling her."


"He shook my hand and said we still had the truce. He would tell his guys to stop trashing our job sites. He said next time not to ignore his call." Ayden told us.

"He's not going to do anything. He just wanted to make sure he still had you under his watch to feel big when he flexes his muscles." Aubree said with zero concern. "He was just showing off and you gave him exactly what he wanted."

"Maybe we are, but we aren't taking any chances."  Jesse said wrapping his arms tighter around Aubree.

"You all are not to be alone.  If you can't all be together, make sure someone knows where you are, how long you are going to be there, and where you are going next.  Stay in public places at all times.  I won't budge on this."  Ayden warned.

"Fine.  But we want to know the same about you guys."  I challenged.

"Do we have to like never get to see you still?"  Kaylee pouted.

"We are stronger as a group.  Maybe we should change the plan to sticking close to the girls.  Not let them leave our sight."  Jesse suggested. "There is no way he doesn't know that you love her." 

"Maybe you're right.  Let's lay low a couple of days and see how it goes."  Ayden decided.

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