Chapter 17

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"I can't believe Brayden would act like that!"  Kaylee was shocked by the events that had happened.

"I can."  Jesse said swigging a beer.  "He's always been a sneaky little shit that has this secret jealousy issue with Ayden.  He's always tried to take something away from Ayden."

"Why?"  Aubree asked.

"What is he trying to take away from Ayden?"  I questioned.

"I don't know.  But what I do know is that Ayden would give his life for you.  Ayden has not been the same guy I grew up with since the night we all went to the fair."  Jesse, the man of few words, had plenty to say tonight.

"But Brayden said..." I was cut off before I could finish that thought.

"I don't give a damn what Brayden said.  He lied.  Brayden was interested in fucking you the first day you came to our town.  You shook Ayden to the core; he likes you and doesn't know how to handle it." Jesse explained to me.

My heart was beating out of my chest. What the hell was going on with me? 

"We've looked everywhere and can't find him." Kaylee said catching our attention.

"I have an idea where he is. I'll go look."  I picked up the bottle of Jack Daniels knowing he would need it as much as me after what happened tonight. "We'll be back soon."


"Can I join you?" I asked as I walked up to Ayden.

"I figured you'd be making out with your little boy toy by now." He spat before chugging his beer. I sat beside him. "Or is this the part where you run?"

"Touche." I said taking my own swig of whiskey. "Look, I'm really sorry about that. I got caught up in the moment and freaked out when I realized I broke one of my cardinal rules." Taking another long pull, I passed the bottle to him. I hoped the burning liquid would mask the new feeling in my stomach when I was around Ayden.  "And the fact that I've never felt this way about anyone before scares the hell out of me."

 "Don't worry, I feel it too."  He said taking a swig.

"Being Horney will fuck your head up." I joked taking two long swigs welcoming the burn that trailed down my throat.

"This is scary. Horney doesn't scare me." He stole a side glance at me before taking another swig.

"The feelings you're talking about are nothing but trouble." Two more drinks.

"Hey, care to share that blanket you were smart enough to bring?" He shivered.

I opened the blanket so he could scoot closer. We sat in silence passing the bottle back in forth lost in our own thoughts.

"Do you think there's a chance that Aubree and Jesse feel the same way we do, except they actually love each other?"

"She's, my sister.  He's my best fucking friend."

"Isn't that all the more reason to be happy for them?  Would you really want your sister feeling this way about anyone other than Jesse?  You know firsthand how good of a guy he is."

"He's the best."

We sat in silence for a long while.  Just drinking and thinking.

We laid back looking at the stars.  We became too drunk to hold a serious conversation, so we just talked about anything else, including the weather for a long while.


I felt the wind blow across my face. The warmth I was feeling brought a smile to my face before my eyes even opened. I felt someone stir beside me causing my eyes to shoot open. I looked over to see Ayden curled against me. His hand was up my shirt resting on my boob. I couldn't help but smile at that. As bad as I hated, I knew I had to get to my tent before anyone got the wrong idea.

I slowly pulled his hand out of my shirt, causing him to roll over. After covering him with the blanket, I placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Ayden Hart, you are very dangerous for me." I whispered before kissing him again.

I took my time unzipping my tent, careful not to make a sound. The further I got from Ayden lying on the beach the harder my head pounded. I got comfortable inside my tent as sleep quickly took over.

"Breakfast is ready!" Ayden yelled. The smell of bacon blew into my tent. My head was better, but still wanted more sleep. I tried to ignore all the sounds outside my tent, but the sound of a zipper being opened made it impossible. I threw a blanket over my face. The zipper was closed before I felt someone sit beside me. The blanket was pulled off of my head.

"Rise and shine, beautiful. I brought you breakfast in bed" His breath smelled of toothpaste.

"My head." I groaned.

"I know, Mak. We drank too much last night. Look, I brought you eggs, bacon, orange juice, and aspirin." His voice sounded pleased with himself.

"Aspirin?" I said trying to sit up.

"That a girl. The greasy foods will help too. Swallow these." Ayden said handing me the pills for my headache.

"Thank you. How are you like..." Using my hand to motion to the way he was acting.

"The very things that I have for you now. Try a bite." He brought a piece of bacon to my mouth.

I slowly took a bite trying not to get sick. I swallowed the first bite, the second was easier. Before I knew it, I had cleaned my plate and was feeling way better.

"See." Ayden said smiling.

"Ok, I'll admit. You are the master of hangover cures."

"I'm a master at a lot of things." He winked causing me to smile. I kept my mouth shut before I put my foot in it.

"I need a shower." I said trying to run my fingers through my knotted hair.

"Get your stuff together and I will walk you to a shower." He winked.  

"There is an actual shower here?"  I asked not believing him.

"Not an actual shower.  Nature's shower."  He smiled.  I liked this version of Ayden.

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