Chapter 6

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"I'm not riding bitch by my brother. Will you, do it?" Aubree asked. Kaylee and Jonah were already cuddled up in the back seat.

Ayden smiled holding his passenger side door open for me as I climbed in. Jesse and Aubree watched in amazement. Ayden shook his head and smiled at them as he walked around the front of the truck to his door. Jesse climbed in beside me.

The ride to Aubree and Ayden's house was short.  Aubree, Kaylee, and Jonah sang at the top of their lungs with the radio all the way home.

"Are you going to be a gentleman and open our door?" Jesse looked around me at Ayden when we pulled up at their house.

"Open your own damn door." Ayden said climbing out, causing everyone to laugh. Ayden already disappeared inside the house by the time we all got out of his truck.

"Make yourself at home." Aubree told me when we walked in her house. "Our parents are gone on a romantic weekend getaway." She explained seeing me looking around for her parents.

"I ordered pizza." Kaylee said walking to meet us. "Let's go change into something more comfortable."

Aubree led us upstairs to her room. I sat my bag on the floor so I could get out a change of clothes. I slipped on my black stretchy shorts that came to the top of my thigh, and a big bulky sweater that was tight at the waist, with a tank top underneath. They both wore something similar, causing us all to giggle about it.

"I need to wash my face. Where's your bathroom?" I asked Aubree.

"Second door on the right. What kind of movies do you like?" She asked.

"Anything will be fine." I said secretly hoping they didn't pick a horror movie.

Ayden was coming out of his room as I was coming out of the bathroom after washing my face. He smiled at me when he seen me.

"After you." He said motioning for me to go down the stairs first.

When we got downstairs, Aubree and Kaylee were gathering drinks and snacks. Jonah and Jesse were trying to decide what movie to watch. I joined the girls in the kitchen.

"He totally has the hots for her." I heard Kaylee whisper.

"So does my brother. He's never been like this around a girl before. Its about damn time is all I can say." Aubree giggled.

"Need help?" I asked pretending not to hear their conversation. They both gave me the deer caught in the headlights look.

"We were just wondering if you... if you think anyone's hot?" Kaylee said looking to Aubree for help.

"Sure." I said stringing them along.

"Spill!" Aubree said as they moved in closer.

"Liam Hemsworth, Zac Efron, and my favorite of all times, Robbie Amell. That guy could 'Duff' the shit out of me. MMM..." I added for effect.

"Well, of course they're hot." Kaylee said face palming.

"We mean anybody you've met recently!" Aubree explained.

"Oh, no Ya don't. I see where this is going." I said backing away from them.

"What?" They smiled at each other.

"You're not setting me up with anybody. Sorry, girls. I don't date." I shrugged.

"Why not?" Kaylee asked. They both look devastated.

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