Chapter 25

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I have been driving long enough that my tears had stopped.  I don't know exactly how long it's been since I left Ayden's house.  I know the girls have already called mom, so I decided I need to find a place to pull over to call her.  Up ahead, I see a sign for Garner State Park.  After parking, I pull out my phone.

"Where are you?"  Mom picked up on the first ring.  "Are you alright?  What happened?"

"I'm fine, mom.  Things didn't work out the way I had hoped, but I faced my fears and put myself out there.  I just needed to get away and think.  I love them all and don't want to keep putting them in the middle.  I just need to clear my head, Ya know?"  I explained to my mom.

"Where are you?"  Mom asked.

"Garner State Park.  My friends told me about it, and I figured it was a good a time as any to check it out."

"You need to let your friends know you're okay.  They are worried about you."  Mom said.

"I will, Mom.  I just need the quiet to think.  I'll be home in a few hours." I said before we said our goodbyes ending the call.  I decided to send a group text to Aubree and Kaylee letting them know I'm okay.

Sorry I took off like that.  Just need quiet to clear my head.  I will call you later.

I was about to shut my phone off when I got a text from Aubree. 

Call me ASAP!  You have the wrong idea.  PLEASE!

I powered down my phone before putting it in the console of my car.  I got out locking the door and walking toward a trail.  I don't know what excuses Ayden had given them, but I saw the fresh hickey on his neck.  I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and tried to tell him how I feel.  I'm just mad at myself for waiting until it was too late.  I do love Ayden, but this isn't a romance movie.  You can't make a relationship run on just love. Trust and respect are very key factors to me.  If there was a thought in my mind that said there was a chance, we could work it out, I would not get with anyone else out of respect for him.  It broke my trust when I saw him with someone else so soon.  If I gave him a second chance, how would I know that our first fight would not lead him to find comfort in someone else's arms?  I don't know that for sure, and that's why it's called a chance for a reason, but this morning showed me that it was more likely to happen than not.

  The trail I was walking down ended with a spot to climb up the side of a rock that was the size of a house.  It was rather easy with steps placed in places that there were no natural indentations to use for steps.  I walked to the edge of the big rock to look at the view.  There was a creek running at the bottom.  On the other side of the creek was a waterfall.   My mind immediately went to memories of the shower Ayden took me to when we were camping.

"You waited too late.  That's all there is too it.  Don't do this to yourself."  I said to myself, shaking the memories from my mind.  

"You talk to yourself a lot?"  A voice startled me, causing me to turn around.  "Hi.  I'm Nate Stellar."

"You caught me."  I gave him a small laugh. "Makenzie Dover."

"It's okay to talk to yourself.  It's when you start answering that it becomes a problem."  Nate joked.  "You look like you're carrying the world on your shoulders.  Have a seat and let's toss some of that burden into the creek."  He said patting the bench beside him. 

"Is it that obvious?"  I said sitting down beside him.

"I hate to break it to you, doll face, but it is."  He said giving me a small smile.  "It looks like a broken heart to me. Tell me what's got you talking to yourself like a crazy person."

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