Chapter 27

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"Would you like something to drink?"  Ayden said pulling me to the group of people on the beach by my hand.

"Maybe a bottle of water?"  I said smiling up at him.

"So you two, huh?"  Some guy I'd never seen before asked.  

"You know me."  Ayden shrugged.

"When he kicks you out in the morning, sweet stuff, my bed will be open.  I must warn you though, once you've had a real man, boys like him won't be able to do it for you anymore."  He winked at me.

"Real man?  I really hope you're not referring to yourself.  Oh, you were.  That's cute."  I said with a fake sweet smile.  Ayden looked at me shocked.

"Why don't I show you a real man right now?  The things I could show that smart mouth of yours."  He said reaching for my lip. 

"DON'T touch her."  Ayden said slapping his hand away.  

"Did little Ayden get pussy whooped?"  The greasy haired guy said raising his eyebrow.  Ayden stiffened beside me.  "You did.  Wait until the boys hear about this."  He laughed.

"It's none of their business, Kade."  Ayden sneered.

"Come out tomorrow night and I won't tell them about your little bitch."  He said patting Ayden's shoulder before walking toward the parking lot.

"Who the hell was that?"  I asked happy that he left.

"Bad news.  If you ever see him and I'm not with you, you run."  He said gritting his teeth.

"I'm not scared of him."  I said trying to calm Ayden.

"Promise me."  He demanded

"I promise."  I said looking deep into his eyes to show my promise.  "Come dance with me, my sexy boyfriend."  I smiled at him.

"Yes, my beautiful girlfriend."  He said kissing me on my forehead.  


"I feel like a third wheel."  Nate whined.  "You all have somebody but I don't."

"Stop looking.  The right one will find you."  I said smiling at Ayden.

"That's my jam!  Come dance with me, bitches."  Nate got up, motioning us to follow him.  I placed a kiss on Ayden's cheek before following.  Hot Girl Bummer was blaring through the speakers.  We were all dancing having a blast.  Ayden, Jesse, and Jonah looked like they were having a heated conversation.  

"Whoo!  Teach me how to move my hips like that!"  Kaylee told Nate.  He was an awesome dancer.  We were all doing our thing on the dance floor when a pair of arms wrapped around me. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?"  Brayden's voice startled me. 

"Brayden?"  I turned looking at him.

"Hi."  He said looking down.  

"Hi.  How have you been?"  I asked feeling terrible about our last conversation.

"I've been better.  I just wanted to apologize for how I acted the last time I seen you.  I was just so mad at Ayden.  He's never treated a girl right, and always gets whoever he wants.  You were just better than the rest. I didn't want you thrown to the side like that.  I see he still hasn't changed."  He said pointing behind me.  

I turned around to see what Brayden was pointing at.  My eyes focused on Sarah hanging all over Ayden.  Why was he laughing.  My eyes zeroed in on the exchange as I stomped toward them.

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